Peri-Lack of Focus
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Hi Ladies:
I had bad neurological symptoms when Peri hit. Severe anxiety. I'm still off balance and still can't focus a little over a year now. I cannot take HRT. I feel robotic each day though and vulnerable due to this and it's really starting to depress me. Does this end? Is a little over a year not normal to still have this? I can't go back to work yet and I feel so bad for my family. They are very supportive but, they are somewhat on hold while I'm like this and it makes me feel very bad. I'm on vitamins and all the right supplements. I tried anxiety meds. They made it worse. I really have a hard time taking any type of medication. This just really hit me hard and for whatever reason I can't shake it yet. No one talks about this and it seems like the only woman that have it severe only exist online. Thanks!
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pamela2016 NothinforNothin
your not alone i have no answers for you but me and many other ladies got hit hard as well and have the neurological symptoms too. ive been off balance for 4 years with all this and its still going strong everyday all day. its very hard to get through all this and it's scary and causes anxiety hang in there your not alone
NothinforNothin pamela2016
Hi Pamela:
I can't imagine 4 years of this. I feel really bad for you. I really do. This past year has been so hard. I'm trying to hang in there. I don't understand why some don't get hit as hard. I read that for whatever reason their hormone levels don't fall as much or don't pull from as much from one area than another that does for us who get hit severely with it. It's killing me to feel this weak and vulnerable. It's so horrible. Thanks for your caring reply!
sakura26 NothinforNothin
Emma it's been the same for me. Horrible anxiety. I already had PTSD and it's just amplified it like 100 times. I could barely work or function today. Luckily I work from home. I'm afraid to leave the house. The doctor put be on Zoloft but I know what I really need is to balance my hormones. But I'm in peri still so hard to find a doctor to do that. I also have a fibroid so have to be careful of hormones. Right now I'm taking a mini pill (progesterone) but I don't think it's enough. I'm considering surgery for the fibroid and trying to do cyclical hormone balancing. There's a site that talks about it. I think it's womens hormone network. Some naturopaths do it but they are not on insurance here. You are not alone! I'm right there with you. Hang in there. Hugs!!
sakura26 pamela2016
My mother also supposedly had an easy menopause and I have friends with no symptoms. I think like Emma said for some reason their hormones stay more stable or they have higher levels. These boards make me feel less alone and insane. Thank you all so much!
NothinforNothin sakura26
Sakura hi, thanks so much for your reply. I'm afraid to leave the house too at times. I do much better when I'm out with my husband and son. I feel less anxious. I guess I feel safer and I know nothings going to happen. Alone at times I can panic and then just want to run home. I've never been like this. Never afraid to leave the house. This is just horrible. I get exhausted trying to fight through it. I'm not working but, if I stay like this much longer. I may have to resort to finding work to do from home. That wouldn't be so bad. I have just never worked from home. I will look into that cyclical hormone balancing. Trying to find a good doctor is hard. I'm hanging in there with you! ❤️ Take Care!!!!
sakura26 NothinforNothin
Thanks Emma! I'm so glad you are not alone like me and have a husband and son! I know company really helps. I have a friend coming to visit sat and really hope I feel better by then so she doesn't have to deal with this too. It's awful how bad it is for so many of us when others have no issues. And that standard obgyns don't care or know how to help and believe how bad it can be, especially the anxiety. When I told an OBGYN I started getting bad anxiety when I hit peri she acted like it had nothing to do with hormones but I know it does because I was fine before for years and the anxiety lately hits me in cycles like really bad one week a month especially. Plus there are tons of studies and medical sites that confirm anxiety is one of the first peri symptoms. I am looking into the cyclical hormone thing too. I hope we both feel well soon. I will be thinking of you and sending us both healing thoughts. 😃
NothinforNothin sakura26
Thanks so much again, Sakura! I just have to say that my OBGYN dismissed it also. Didn't even mention Peri that I was unaware of at the time. Literally just said it couldn't be hormone related because I hadn't gone through menopause. It makes me angry. Also, it's ridiculous that anxiety is dismissed too. That has caused me the most debilitating severe pain. I just don't understand this. Like it doesn't exist when this happens. I never had anxiety before this either! My mother in law comes over a lot. We just moved into a new house and I'm not close to many friends here. So, it's comforting when she comes over. I try not to talk about it much now. I don't like for anyone else to deal with it too. I'm starting to accept that it is what it is and I just have to deal. Sending you healing thoughts and prayers. If you find out anything about cyclical hormones let me know. 😊
AG13 NothinforNothin
know how you feel. i am in the same boat anxiety and concentration is non existent. there are bad days and really bad days. Short term memory is non existent! i am trying to hold down a full time job but if i had it my way i would walk out . i to cannot take any meds as they irrate me. i am fed up with them all. excercise and yoga have helped.
Allergy intolerance is really bad and for some reasons certain foods effect my eyes - doctor thinks I'm crazy!!
This site has helped me cope alt knowing that i am not alone and that thee are alot of people out there kn the same boat.
thinking of you take care.
NothinforNothin AG13
Thanks so much AG13. I just started taking otc Claritin and it is really helping me. I feel calmer and it has lowered my anxiety. I think I have some allergies to foods also that cause inflammation that causes symptoms. I find less thinking helps and I haven't been able to do that for almost a year. When this first hit I was pacing for months!! Last night though I forced myself to put up our x-mas tree which I've done my whole life but, I thought of nothing! NOTHING......I just enjoyed unwrapping ornaments and decorating the tree, the lights. I actually did feel more relaxed when I woke up this morning. I feel for you powering through working with this but, try to take care of yourself when your home. Relax, rest. Do something enjoyable that requires less thought. I know it helps. This site has helped me cope along, with the support from caring people like you!! I will be thinking of you too! Hugs...