Peri-menopausal and depression and huge move
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I'm suffering from peri, I know I am as I get so many of the symptoms, plus I am turning 53 soon. I also suffer a mood disorder and severe depression. To make matters worse, I moved countries (long story) and am totally alone, aside from a caring boy friend.
The problem is that, I can't be bothered to make new friends here, because I feel so darned awful. Today has been a very bad day, along with many, I have the curtains drawn and am in bed.
I can't seem to settle here, even though I was born here, but never really lived in this country. Some days I am filled with despair. I am on a waiting list for a psychologist, but it takes MONTHS.
I take no hormones and wonder if I should take an alternative, like a soya type thing?
I am also currently not medicated for my mood disorder (because of the waiting).
I don't even have the energy to speak to people, as I am always exhausted, nor do I have the inclination to. Which, really worries me. Because of all this, this my life has become a living nightmare if I am honest. With a few bareable days thrown in. I have no car and I cannot travel on buses etc., because of agrophobia. So I am really stuck. I have no idea what people could say to help, but I am getting desperate.
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VauxhallGirl callianne_65675
So sorry to hear about your problems.
I wish I could give you some answers, but you have so many things going on - each thing preventing you from getting out and getting help.
Is it possible to have a phone appointment with your Doctor, so you don't have to go to the surgery?
callianne_65675 VauxhallGirl
susan21149 callianne_65675
Sorry you are going through this. I myself suffer from anxieties and depression and i get so tired myself at times i just need to get rest and sleep. My moods have been really bad this weak with my stress level I got really angry this week i have been crying a lot i have been yelling and i tried to put myself in the psych ward on Thursday.
Now it seems when I take my ativan it has been making me feel dizzy, and making me feel like my heart rate is low or my blood pressure is to low
I am on two blood pressure meds Losartan that i have been on for a long time and a second one called amlodipine because my blood pressure has been up and down yesterday it was on the low side which is good but with the Ativan i do not want it going to low so this morning i only took 1/2 an ativan with my blood pressure pills and wait until tonight to take a whole one
callianne_65675 susan21149
susan21149 callianne_65675
only thing i am taking is the Ativan my psych doctor wants me off it and on something else because its addictive but with me being so sensitive to meds i don't know what is right for me now
Wish i never was put back on meds in the first place
callianne_65675 susan21149
I am studying hypnotherapy and the more I read here the more I want to make audio's etc, to help those with depression, anxiety and meno. Plus of course help myself! So its currently a work in progress.
Trish123 callianne_65675
I also had trouble with moods and depression. I tried flax seed oil natural supplement, and found great results. It helps to balance your hormones and takes you off the mood roller coaster. In addition I also took a magnesium supplement. This is also good for mood.
I have found something from a company called UniKey called ultra H – 3. I will be buying some this week for fatigue which I also have.
A little exercise or at least yoga or stretching exercises might help get things going and help make you feel better. Citrus smells are also supposed to be good for depression. The above supplements can be bought online and shipped to your home home.
if these things don't work after a few weeks or a couple of months, Abilify works great for depression. Without side effects.
please let us know how you are doing by coming back to the discussion group. I hope to hear that you're better after the supplements.
to good care of yourself.
callianne_65675 Trish123
Trish123 callianne_65675