Peri menopausal and feel SO sad all the time
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After a wee while of various symptoms, things came to a head this weekend as i can barely stop crying. I visited a brilliant nurse this morning and have been prescribed a mild anti depressant as I cant start HRT if not menopausal. Obviously the tablets take time to work but I feel more positive just from talking to her but i am still so very sad. I think I just need to know if other people have this and that it will pass.
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Max2626 katie21085
Hi Katie it sounds like you will benefit honey so don't resist the ADs. Your serotonin levels are likely very low which I found with peri-menopause.Everyone is different and responds differently to medicine but I think you are doing the right thing by trying the ADs. You may have to find the right one for you though and the right dosage which can take some trial and error. Just start on a low dose and see how you feel in a couple of weeks, and don;t be afraid to go back to the nurse if they aren't helping - you may just need a higher dose or a different med. ADs had a fairly instant impact for me and have been a real help - if you want more specifics about meds and dose DM me. Good luck x
katie21085 Max2626
Thank you so much for replying i will message you if I need Thank you.
karen60759 katie21085
Hi Katie - how old are you ? have you noticed any other symptoms - insomnia, night sweats, shoulder pains, unusual periods, anxiety, achy joints - these are all the classic symptoms of peri along with the horrible, horrible low moods - I'm 43 and this all ht me 4 years ago - but it's been the most intense over the last 18 months, I'm on an AD which might help a bit, but for me, diet, group exercise and just keeping busy on the bad days are what gets me through - doctors are pretty useless with this im afraid because it's not an illness - even though it really feels like one! HRT won't really help - believe me I've tried it !while our hormones are in this erratic state it can actually just accentuate the highs and lows, which isn't ideal... it's a life stage, and what I keep telling myself is that it will pass, as we'll all be so much more appreciative for life and wise when it does, which might be the point of it all - a big life lesson! live day to day, go with how you're feeling, don't do anything that's too far out of your comfort zone - from what I hear it does get better x
monique_93857 karen60759
you have just Describe everything that I went through I started at 47 and I’m still going through it but anxiety attacks were horrible now they just coming and going shoulders like my hands ache I would have sleepless nights I would cry sometimes for no reason my mood swings we’re horrible I had curly skin felt like there was something growing in my scalp like electrical shocks or somethingI have stomach flutter’s you name it I’ve dealt with it hang in there
katie21085 karen60759
Thank you so much for replying. I have posted more info below and I will try to keep telling myself that it will pass Thank you.
katie21085 karen60759
Thank you so much for replying. I have posted more info below . I hope you start turning s corner soon
Takingtime katie21085
Hi Katie, Just know that you are not alone. So many of us ladies are struggling. Just having our bodies changing with these never ending symptoms of aches and pains is enough to make anyone sad. Winter months (although not sure your location) but here it is winter and it can be very hard on the most healthiest positive person. The days are shorter, less to no sunlight, and it is freezing cold to spend too much time outdoors. You might have some mild depression and if so then the nurse put you on the right medication. Just talking to someone really helps.
katie21085 Takingtime
Hi, Thanks for replying. I have posted a bit more below but you may be right as i am in the north east of scotland so not bit so much sun shine lately! Thank you again.
Thank you so much ladies All your replies have helped reassure me. i am 46 and gave had night sweats over the past two years, flushes and, oh me, the moods! My periods are still regular (although heavier and longer) so i cant have HRT. I will certainly keep on with the ADs and see how they go. Thank you all so much again
sunaina1983 katie21085
Same here
Sad and crying
No excitement for life
katie21085 sunaina1983
oh I really feel for you So I am only three days on from that post but already feel lighter it cant be the ADs working yet, could just be the hormones but I am sure that knowing there is a nurse who understands and making a positive decision to do something about it have taken the weight of it all off me. Pease make an appointment at your GP's and see what your options are Even just talking will help. Sending you love, Message more if you want.