Peri menopause?
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Hello, just joined after reading everyone's stories. I'm 47 periods are still as regular as clockwork but I get really hot sometimes, have put on tonnes of weight, feel nauseous and my breasts are sore for , quite often, two weeks before I get my period. During that time I also get headaches and will cry at just about anything! Could I be perimenopausal even if I'm still getting periods? Hope someone has an idea...😊
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Woo3353 andrea20105
I was diagnosed estrogen dominent, although my hormones are all declining the balance of estrogen to progesterone is imbalanced. I use bio identical hormone cream, take flax seed oil and agus castra all of which seem to have helped. I cut out sugar, processed food, make all my meals from scratch, don't eat junk at all but i still am weighty but i know with my increase in cardio exercise this will eventually come off but slowly i guess
2chr2015 Woo3353
Guest 2chr2015
gailannie andrea20105
definately you could be perimenopausal, even if the labs don't show it. There are several symptoms that you describe that suggest you have an imbalance between estrogen and progesterone. Sore breasts,& nausea, indicate lack of progesterone in relationship to estrogen. But at that age, everything is probably declining.
Guest andrea20105
This definitely sounds like perimenopause. We have many of the same symptoms! I'm 46.
andrea20105 Guest
Well after reading some more I'm going to try and give up alcohol (two glasses of wine does make things a bit easier of an evening though😂
and try accupuncture too. Hope you aren't suffering too much Liz9305! Give me a shout if you need to...💋
As soon as I read that I realised that I sound like I've got an alcohol problem ha! It's not every night 😂🍷
Guest andrea20105
lynda03602 andrea20105
Hi Andrea I too have just joined this site after reading lots of comments I can relate to !
Having no sisters and a mum with Alzheimer's I feel very alone in this perimenopause thing 😢
I'm 47 as well and had symptoms for a few years that have got increasingly worse , to name a few , hot and cold episodes, shaking , fatigue, forgetfulness, anxiety , loss of libido, loss of confidence, sleep problems, changes in body odour, feeling spaced out the list goes on !
Have lost count of the amount of times I've seen a GP now none of whom have really helped, even resorted to a private medical to be told I have a combination of anxiety and perimenopause symptoms so should ask my GP for HRT!
So I'm now researching my options as it's rather confusing reading about the different types available?
I'm trying to help myself to as in eating healthier, getting more rest (although I work nights) and gentle exercise (when I can muster the energy)! 😴
I'm still having periods although they appear whenever they like now !
Any advice on here would be very much appreciated 😘
Guest lynda03602
You'll find lots of good advice here. I'm trying to eat better and get into yoga. What type of gentle exercise do you find helpful?
andrea20105 lynda03602
Hi Lynda, I've been making my own food from scratch for some time now and I take flax seed oil capsules and Hawthorne berry capsules which have worked but now seem not to be which is annoying. I was running every week day up until recently when I suffered a back injury so can't do anything at the moment. That's probably what's making me feel worse too! I'm going to try yoga I think...x
Woo3353 andrea20105
2chr2015 lynda03602
Hi Lynda. I am in the same boat with you with no sisters. and my mom is not easy to talk to lol. I have the sleep problems too. How are we supposed to have energy to exercise when we can't sleep? Ugh. The only thing I can say is that some of the symptoms go away for a while and then when they do resurface I seem to be able to handle them a little better.
2chr2015 andrea20105
Hi Andrea, I am 45
Nausea, sore boobs, and still having periods. They aren't exactly 28 days anymore, but still pretty regular. All of this started when I was 43. Health anxiety and sore boobs were a couple of the first symptoms. I also have gallbladder pain too. Hope all the responses make you feel better. Welcome to peri-world
andrea20105 2chr2015