Peri menopause

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Hi ladies.... Could use some support. Have been battling with all these female issues and to be honest it's been really hard on me. I had a bad experience last Febuary when I had a ultra and sono gram done where the doctor wanted to do a D&C I didn't go through with it and it's like ever since I haven't been able to face all that is going on. After giving a lot of thought I am going to speak to a physiologist to help me figure out what's going on with me, it's like I'm in denial.... I had no idea at all what all this was going to be like. I have fibroids. I do not bleed heavy but do have spotting. Not in much pain, but I do understand the brain fog feeling and the balance being off. I guess I'm just asking for lots of support.. As I could really use it.sad

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14 Replies

  • Posted

    Aww right there with you sweetie! It's horrible I know.  You will get plenty of support here everyone is lovely.  We are all going through different stages and many many symptoms the same so you are not alone.  Sending huge hugs xx
    • Posted

      Thank you much . I just wonder if anyone else is experiencing this kind of struggle !
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      I think we are all struggling in our own different way, I think ever day I find a new symptom and if I cannot find one I start to imagine one, you feel at times like you are losing it!

      I would get some meds from the doctor I did and feeling much better in myself, I did not want to take them, but had no choice it was that or put me in a straight jacket and lock me up with Jack Nicholson (Umm maybe that would not of been so bad) but seriously seek medical help, I broke down and cried, doctors see this all the time, do not suffer and drive yourself insane alone sweetie xxx

    • Posted

      Thank you much.... I am already on meds but for some reason I still have bad anxieties and panic attacks. I don't understand why I have this so bad. And your right you do feel sometimes like your going crazy. I never had any idea what was going to hit with this menopause . It's crazy!! Thanks for responding. Take care!
    • Posted

      I hope you feel better soon and feel free to vent anytime on the board or in a private message, horrible when you feel lonely and cared.

      I am nearly 50 but back in 88  had nervous break down and no idea why none what so ever, but I was told and it did help certain foods bring on anxiety cheese is total no no and coffee, carry a paper bag round with you and when you have a panic attack, blow into it, sounds crazy but it works.

      Look after yourself smile x

    • Posted

      Thank you!! I think sometimes I could have a nervous breakdown!! Some days you feel ok and then other days just not so good! sad it's nice to know your not alone !!
  • Edited

    Hi Beth,

    just say to yourself, Ok today is bad but with this thing nothing stays the same so tomorrow can be good. we've just got to ride the storm. We all know what you're going through, it's great to have a support system.  

  • Posted

    Hi Beth you are not alone we are all in this together . Try and find one thing in each day that's makes you smile 😊
  • Posted

    We're here.

    Big hugs

    Taz xxx

    • Posted

      There is a saying that may or may not help "Remember how many black tomorrows turned into golden yesterdays"
    • Posted

      Hi Taz

      I totally agree..

      And ...

      never put off until tomorrow what you can do today

      Jay xx

    • Posted

      I agree and both of these are among those you can find engraved on American GI lighters from the vietnam war (these are the more repeatable ones!!)

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