Peri menopause

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So I’ve had the symptoms went to gp and she said no your not, I asked for bloods and came back as Peri - what do I do?? I went to herbalist and got some things to help with moods and hot flushes! 

What happens now?? 

I’m not sleeping, mood swings, crying, headaches and feeling really rather crap!!  Then to top it all just been dumped too..... 

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Aww Michelle, how old are you? I’m in the same boat with Peri at 41, my moods are all over the place, I’ll have a good week, followed by a bad week and so on. I’ve tried oestrogen hrt, but it’s not helped, if anything I’ve been worse, but it’s probably because my oestrogen isn’t actually low, because in peri as I understand, the problem is with the hormones fluctuating wildly rather than them being low, which is why it’s never picked up in blood tests, so taking some herbal remedies might help you to balance things out. I’ve been recommended to try the mirena coil so I’m going to try that as it might provide the progesterone I need to balance out the oestrogen, as from reading up it’s actually progesterone that drops first and causes oestrogen dominance issues, might be worth thinking about...and sorry to hear you got dumped, you need to treat yourself xx

    • Posted

      I'm 46 

      I've started taking sage supplements for the sweats, but I am also looking at the best calcium supplements to take for bones as I am having bone pain/discomfort....

      thanks but its life! he was a Pratt anyway haha 

      thanks for your reply x

    • Posted

      I think glucosamine is good to bones and tendons, I take turmeric for muscle aches, I actually think it helps along with omega oils - be careful with black cohosh though or soy, they’re supposed to raise oestrogen levels, which can have a negative affect of you’re not actually low....
  • Posted

    Hi Michelle. U must have the same de as me. I have had so many symptoms for like over 5 years now.  Terrible anxiety mood swings Z heavy periods so hormonal up and down like I don’t know what. Terrible migraines. But when I went to dr about a year ago she refused to do bloods and told me I am way to young and it definitlyhas noting to. Do with it.   At least she done ur bloods. Mine was so rude. And raising her voice in anger. 😡😡 I was so mad. Leaving 

  • Posted

    When I hear the nonsense ‘you are too young’ makes me really angry!!! This is not a scientific explanation. There are girls in menopause at their 20s! The only thing helps me and makes a huge difference is hrt! It actually gave mylife back!

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