Peri menopause- all hope abandoned
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Good evening ,
I'm hoping someone can offer me a little bit of hope ! in a nutshell none of the hrt treatments is helping me. I've been on 4 different tablets this year and now have started patches. my priority concern is the hideous sweating I'm experiencing. i can look like I have just been standing in a storm or got just out of the shower when it is just me sweating
Does anybody else suffer the same? and if so, what worked for you?
many thanks in advance,
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jude84900 ruby17255
Hi Ruby,
I would suggest reading up on hormone replacement. Tablet is the least preferred method of hormone replacement followed by patches, according to the doctors that have taken the time to further educate themselves on it.
Transdermal creams
In my opinion, Bio Identical creams are you best choice followed by pellet implants for success in hormone replacement along with a good doctor that knows what their doing and runs the proper lab work for you and you needs. Pill form is the worst because the pill goes through your stomach and then your liver leaving little to go to where it needs to go. If your on synthetic hormones that is another problem because our bodies don't know what to do with these. Our bodies recognize bio identical hormones and bring them to the proper receptors where they are put to good use. Its not that complicated if you read up on it or find a good doc that can help you through. General docs typically are not studied well in peri and menopause in women. A holistic or alternative practice is generally pretty up to date on hormone replacement and the proper forms. I started with a holistic dr on bio identical creams and have been on them for three years no problems. I am now doing pellet implants and have not had any issue with these either. I am three and half years post menopausal and will stay on bio identical hormones the rest of my life. Good luck.
ruby17255 jude84900
Jude, thank you so much for the information. I am visiting my doctor asap and will read up on this beforehand. I'm also really pleased that you found something that works for you. This can all be so disheartening at times!
gailannie ruby17255
ruby, i had some drenching night sweats in perimenopause i also tried HRT to no avail
What did work was time As your body adjust to lower levels, it does calm down. When i did teach menopause 10 yrs later, i never had any hot flashes or night sweats . They only happened in the initial peri period
ruby17255 gailannie
Hi Gailannie,
Thank you so much for replying. I'm crossing my fingers here! .It's good to hear that time will help. am glad yours stopped.
gailannie ruby17255
ruby, i had some drenching night sweats in perimenopause i also tried HRT to no avail
What did work was time As your body adjust to lower levels, it does calm down. When i did teach menopause 10 yrs later, i never had any hot flashes or night sweats . They only happened in the initial peri period
lori93950 ruby17255
the patch worked on hot flashes but they didnt really bother me. however i put on like 25lbs so im coming off it as that is unacceptable
ruby17255 lori93950
Hi Lori,
i don't blame you! my girth has expansed and i daren't step on the scales.....