Peri menopause and anxiety
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So I have come to except that anxiety is all part of per menopause but I'm just wondering when anyone else experiences this? I get severe anxiety when I'm ovulating and 2/3 days after my period arrives which can last a few days! I've just started acupuncture and he has put me on zinc and magnesium which I have been taking for 2 weeks and at first I felt great but now I'm full of anxiety today I also take escitalopram which I have taken for 12 years but it's not so effective with peri menopause! I'm having night sweats joint pain, jitters nausea tummy trouble you name it I'm nearly 41 and feel like I'm not the same person anymore.
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stephanie97023 Foxy_polly
welcome to the world of peri menopause, I suffer all the things that you are and I take citalapram too, I've tried everything but I think the best thing we can do is try and ride it out and look after your self the best way you can. Take time for your self and try not to over to do it, I know that's easier said than done. I've felt good but today like you I'm feeling not great and when I'm like this I also feel like a different person it's horrible. I hope you feel better soon I wish there was more that could help us. X
Foxy_polly stephanie97023
Hi Stephanie
I know it sucks doesn't it the doctors tested my fsh levels and insist I'm not menopausal as the levels are fine but my periods and emotional state has really changed over the last 12 months so as I've read up on it I definitely feel I'm at peri menopause stage if not I'm going crazy 😂😂
stephanie97023 Foxy_polly
Me too as exactly as your saying but you will feel better I do from time to time but it's the low times that are the hardest but it's comforting to know your not alone. Hope you feel better today x
pam34236 Foxy_polly
Foxy_polly pam34236
Hi Pam
I've only just started the acupuncture so I'm not sure yet but I'm hopeful as it's suppose to help calm hormones. Xx
valarie24431 Foxy_polly
Hi Polly. Anxiety is definitely one of the main complaints perimenopausal women have. My anxiety is just all over the place. I've tested it over the past 3 months. It just comes and goes at any random time of the month but it is worse within the week before my period. I'm in Texas so its 3:30 a.month right now and I just woke up 15 minutes ago from night sweats. I've had every horrible symptom and it's sucks for me because I'm only 31. I too don't feel like I'm the same person anymore. I'very been taking a really good multivitamin and herbal supplements. They help for the most part but the anxiety is still definitely there. Hope you feel better soon!
a.m* and I've*...dumb autocorrect.
pam34236 valarie24431
Foxy_polly valarie24431
Hi Valerie
Poor you I feel for you it's horrible! I've had anxiety since the birth of my second child 12 years ago it started with postnatal depression I was put on escitalopram which Ive managed really good with and kept the anxiety at bay really well until 12 months ago when it hit big time and like you pops up at random times but mostly when I ovulate and just after I come on my period and every time I say to myself I can get through this! It affects my appetite as well but then when I'm good it's like the old me again but it doesn't last long! Let's hope we all get through it soon! Xx
valarie24431 pam34236
I'm sorry Pam. The anxiety is the worst part of peri and I know the feeling. I don't take any prescription meds but I do take benadryl from time to time to ease the anxiety to get some sleep. It works but you can't really take it for more than a week because it loses its effect. Anyway, I just woke up from the strangest dream ever. I've been having them since I started peri. Some are funny and some I have to pray about. These hormones are truly something else. Well I hope you get some rest. Take care.
jamie50513 Foxy_polly
You definitely are not alone. I've never suffered from anxiety until just last year. The anxiety attacks just come out of nowhere. I noticed it's always around cycle time. The crazy dreams, scary thoughts, insomnia, waking out my sleep with my heart racing, night sweats, tummy and digestion issues...and the list goes on. I will be 40 this year and I've been feeling this craziness off and on since I was 38. I don't take any prescription drugs so I just try to ride it out and take care of myself best I can. I know it's not always easy but it won't last forever. We'll get through it... we were built for this.
Foxy_polly jamie50513
Hi Jamie
I know it's awful isn't it I too have tummy and digestion problems, night sweats and mine also started around the age of 38 but has got worse over the last year! Like you say we have to ride it out! I've also cut down on refund sugar and caffeine and try to eat really healthy and exercise too which helps. It's good to know we're not alone! Xx
pam34236 Foxy_polly
samantha42795 Foxy_polly
nic1976 Foxy_polly
I know what you mean about anxiety, mine started last year and it's more a health anxiety, it's horrible. Certain times of the month it's really bad to the point where I get a lump feeling in my throat for days. Other times it's totally manageable, but this is one a few symptoms I suffer with...hip pain that wakes me up if I'm laid on my side (certain times of month), emotional is an understatement, one minute I'm trying to avoid killing someone and the other I'm crying at adverts on tv. Backache, night sweats, face flushes, disturbed sleep, the list goes on. I'm 40, what is all this about ladies??
pam34236 nic1976