Peri, menopause and anxiety
Posted , 9 users are following.
Hallo again to all the beautiful ladies on this forum searching for answers on there nasty symptoms. As some of you know that has been following me, I am not coping well with anxiety - one of the nasties of peri. I can deal with the following symptoms that I have experienced but NOT THE ANXIETY!. Heart palps, hot flashes, night sweats, insomnia, sore tongue, painful muscles, hair loss, brittle nails, IBS, intolerance with certain foods, irritability, mood swings, creepy crawly sensation on my scalp, worsen allergies, dry and irritated eyes, loss in libido to name a few.
I am trying to keep a positive mind and have started using a lot of herbal remedies, vit d, calcium and magnesium, multi vitamins and a product called be stress free. I am with a CB Therapist too. I unfortunately have to use xanor as I cannot cope with the anxiety.
As I am reading a lot about all the symptoms, especially anxiety I though it best to share my findings with you all.
I found 3 awesome apps that you can download on your phone should an attack creep up on you and also to use these every day to learn relaxation techniques. They are Stop Panic and Anxiety, Break Free and Healing Sounds. Most off all - they are free.
Found them to be quite relaxing.
Hope all of you have a good day.
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Gypsy014 lelawreck
lena53512 lelawreck
Amalie13 lena53512
juanita93228 lelawreck
Thank you Lela! Even though I have Valium, I refuse to take it more than once or twice a week because I don't want to become addicted. I have more health anxiety and doom and gloom(less doom and gloom lately) than anything. I have found that since I started taking magnesium and putting turmeric in my food the anxiety is better, or maybe I'm just willing myself to feel better. Who knows? I will definitely look into these apps.
pplmarcia lelawreck
That's for the information, I can't take the anxiety either and don't want to use pharmaceuticals, I have also tried marijuana to help me relax. Just putting it out there
juanita93228 pplmarcia
Honestly Marcia, if I wasn't working at a job where I'm randomly drug tested, I would be using marijuana. Just a little every day to keep the anxiety at bay. I was just saying how I felt better no less than 24 hours ago, now my health anxiety is back. Ugh. It's the coming and the going of the symptoms that gets me. I'm at appoint in my life where I really want to retire because, part of my issue is my job. My body and my mood is completely different on the weekends. Today I just feel like I want to run away!
lelawreck pplmarcia
Do you smoke it, use the oil or capsules? Since marijuana became sort of legalized in SA recently, i too experimented with it. The oil, but, hahaha, embarrassed to say that ended up sleeping it of in hospital. One just needs to makes sure to purchase the correct blended oils at a reliable source, which in my stupidity I did not consider. I was on such a high and took wayyyy to much oil. That made me feel out of control and I though I was dying. A very bad experience, hahah. The professional at our local health shop where I purchase my be stress free tabs, also suggested the use of it, (the oil) by using just one drop and rub it on your gums just before you go to sleep. He has a lot of elderly patients, like 84 year old that started using it, and their feedback is just phenomenal. The thing with marijuana is that is helpful for so many symptoms. I am just to scared to try it out again but not against it all!
carmen_22574 lelawreck
Amalie13 lelawreck
I am 49 years old and am suffering from the same, debilitating symptoms. My existing low level depression and anxiety (which have been controlled for 17 years with various dosages of Paxil and ativan )are back, with a vengeance. My paxil is now at 40 mg (it had been at 5 mg for many years).....which has been somewhat helpful. Yet I still feel generally miserable. My moods vacillate wildly.....hour to hour (sometimes). And if I have a "good" day, I am terrified that they horrible doom / gloom / panic will return. Which it always does. Really trying to hang on, since I don't have a choice (work full time and my husband does not understand my feelings). Do find that breathing exercises help. I also use a free app called Insight....which has thousands of free meditations. Also began seeing a CBT therapist. Praying that something will work. Thank god for this website. At least I am not alone. I want the joy to return to my life.
Amalie13 lelawreck
I am having the same issues at age 49. My moods vacillate wildly......sometimes hour to hour. My existing low level depression and high level anxiety are out of control, in Peri. For years, my issues were controlled beautifully with a low maintenance level of Paxil and an occasional Ativan. Not anymore. Am up to 40 mg Paxil, which is vaguely working. Would love to curl up into a ball but cannot (since I work full time and have a husband who does not understand). I agree with regard to the apps. I have learned breathing exercises via "Insight" (a free app which offers 1000s of meditations). They do help. However, not enough. I want the joy back in my life. Began seeing a CBT therapist.....hope he can help. Thank god for this site. At least I am not alone. For every "better" day I have......I am terrified that the doom/gloom/anxiety will return. And it always does. Just want to feel "normal" and in "control" again.........
Amalie13 lelawreck