Peri menopause and body burning sensation
Posted , 11 users are following.
Has anyone experienced body burning sensations? I am 53 and my digestion and body pain are escalating.
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Posted , 11 users are following.
Has anyone experienced body burning sensations? I am 53 and my digestion and body pain are escalating.
2 likes, 10 replies
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kate_80669 shara04249
gailannie shara04249
I had two very distinct body burning issues in perimenopause. However I was 43, not 53. The first was a strange circular patch burning sensation on the top of my left foot while I was standing at a soccer field. (Goes to show you how significant this sensation was, that I remember it with such clarity nearly 20 years later!) The second was profound burning on the top of my lip every late afternoon. It was so bad I'd put an ice bag on it.
Amazing what hormones can do!
Guest gailannie
I was at the airport in Fresno California two Aprils ago waiting for a flight and I felt like the top of my left foot was sunburned. I kept checking it to see if it looked sunburned, so I, like you, can remember the exact time and place the burning foot started. Of course I've gone on to a more severe burning in that foot and also the right foot burns sometimes too. And when I get these burning feelings all my other symptoms will flare up too, they are all connected. Even anxiety and depression will surface when my feet are burning, so not all physical symptoms.
But I also had started with the burning of gastritis in my stomach as one of my very first symptoms a few years ago. So Shara, I know what you mean there. You have to be careful with your diet for awhile until the gastritis settles down.
shara04249 Guest
kate_80669 shara04249
CarolKelso shara04249
jennifer85442 shara04249
debra16694 jennifer85442
Hi there - I have been suffering horribly every month for the last 6 months with the burning sensation. I have had the tingling hands for some time, but these burning body parts is driving me crazy. It also comes in in the night & seems to lessen as the day goes on. Crazy thing is I am post meno 6 years, but as of 10/17, my hormones were low but balanced & in March of this year is when I experienced my first burning sensation. Does this ever go away? I am not on any hormones. Does anyone have any remedies that actually work. I have been tested for Carcinoid Syndrome which is very scary, but negative thank god! So it’s got to be plummeting hormones, cuz it comes & goes - middle of the month the worst for me - Ugh!
maddysmom2015 shara04249
Hi Shara,
I felt the same way. It's like I was sunburned from the inside out.
It makes sense that the doctor suspected gastritis. Guts and skin and inextricably bound to each other.
My burning symptoms were from a gluten intolerance. Digestive issue were one of my first peri symptoms.
nce I eliminated gluten things got way better. I still get the burning feeling sometimes. Usually when I have eaten something spicy or "off limits."
CarolKelso's idea for taking a probitic is a great one.