Peri menopause is making my vagina so dry it hurts why..
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its like my head wants it but my body is like nope!! anybody else going through this im 41 and been perimenopause for about 6 months now!! the vaginal dryness is like all the time even not when going to have sex! just feels so raw! i know that is tmi but dang i cant get no dr to put me on hormones yet !! and i cant use ky durning the day at work ! has anyone found natrual remedy??
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Suki_girl penny40860
Why won't the dr give you estrogen cream? That worked wonders for me - within a couple of weeks my vagina was moist and plump and looked 30 years younger! Sex was wonderful again. Otherwise, you can use natural oils to soothe. I managed for a couple of years applying coconut oil (raw, organic, cold pressed) inside and outside every time I went to the toilet and vit e oil before bedtime (break open a 400iu oral capsule onto the end of your finger and apply inside). The oils will nourish and moisturise you vagina but will not make sex less painful. Yes oil based lube is also good. Because all these things are oil, it can seep through your clothes and show as an oily patch, so you will need to wear a panti pad. I work mainlyl from home so it is easy for me to apply the oil throughout the day. When I go out I take a small pot of coconut oil in my bag and apply with a round cotton pad after going to the toilet, obviously just to the outside because I don't trust my finger will be clean enough to insert when out and about.
penny40860 Suki_girl
i dont know why dr wont give me anything !! but what is iu oil? and i am definitly gonna try coconut oil!! this is crazy . i cant stand this getting older thing !!!! thank tou so much for your input so appreciate it
pam90720 penny40860
same here, it really is very painful .. even with lubrication... feels like something is tearing... 😦
penny40860 pam90720
i know right !! and this has just started like 6 months ago . i thought i had and infection or something but it was just dryness dr said!! then suggests ky lube !! well that only helps during sex not everyday dryness !! i need to find a female dr who listens i guess!! hope you find a solution as well as myself !! im gonna try the coconut oil everyday and see if that helps
Suki_girl penny40860
There is also sea buckthorn oil (oral capsules). Studies have shown that taking 3g of sea buckthorn per day is as effective as estrogen in improving the condition and thickness of the vaginal wall. However, it will not lubricate. I managed on sea buckthorn and applying coconut oil and vit e oil to my vag for a coulle if years. If you go on the vaginal atrophy forum, not the menopause one, you will see all the posts about it there. In the end we came to the conclusion that whatever you do 'naturally', in the end you have to use estrogen cream.
tracy43395 penny40860
There is vaginal and also a capsule you apply to your vagina before ssx. Forgotten what it's called but you can get it at the supermarket. There are also non hormone treatments the doctor can give you