Peri menopause making me crazy

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So I have to say I read stuff but never comment! People tell me not to read stuff online it only makes you feel worst and that I should accept the way I feel and not look for answers lol! Yeah right! Anyway  I am 48 I have a 12 yr old  and a 5 ur old the last few years I can see changes with my cycle which are irregular anywhere from 20 days to 27 days but 27 is not common for me. Now I never really had pms except really for being grumpy at times but now I’m so aware of everything I feel it drives me mad cause I’m like what’s wrong with me why am I emotional why am I anxious tired stressed. I have to say I’m more sensative too to little things that wouldn’t have phased me before. I  guess I should note I am a stay at home mom and I work from home and my spouse doesnt her Home till 830 every night so you know how that goes no time together don’t have much support except for mom and that is rare lol! My son has some issues as well not serious but stressful. So I have to ask is it me or am I peri menopausal ? Oh don’t let me forget I can just want to cry but I hold it I don’t know why prob not a good thing and increases anxiety and I do get theses weird heat flushes on my upper back and neck it’s strange! I did do blood work and saliva test for a hormone specialist I’m going to in June hopefully it’s my hormones and not me being crazy!!!!

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Christina, definitely sounds like hormones to me! Hopefully some gentle hormones replacement will help you with all.

    My husband traveled and I was home with my kids, and I know it’s not easy! And I wasn’t even close to meno at that time. So if you’re feeling overwhelmed it’s toyally normal, and crazy hormones def won’t help. 

    I’m glad you finally joined in to the conversation, we are all here for each other. XO

    • Posted

      Thanks for responding! Are your kids young still or grown and out of house! I had my kids late and my son in 2012! I know something is off lol! It’s just frustrating to feel off and trying to figure out why so hopefully when I go to specialist in June they will reassure me! It’s tough cause I know I have a lot of stress from working from home and not really socializing much cause I have no time and my daughter Going they stuff as well as my son plus all the mom responsibilities we have on top of it ! 
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      I had my kids young, so both are now on their own. Honestly, when all my symptoms hit hard, around 50, I don’t think I would’ve been able to cope if they would’ve been at home, or maybe it wouldve been a good distraction, who knows?

      You do certainly have a ton on your plate. My best advice would be to just do what you can. If some things aren’t getting done try not to worry about it. Try and go easy on yourself. 

      Also, when you get your hormones checked, keep in mind that they can fluctuate depending on where you’re at during your cycle. They might tell you you aren’t even close to meno, even though you know things are starting to change. You need to go more by your symptoms. 

  • Posted

    Hi Christina sorry you are going through the dreaded hormone imbalance craziness. I have been dealing with this for 4 years. The only thing that has helped at all was a synthetic progesterone cream. The anxiety has been the worst for me. All but went away for a year then BAM back again. Legs swell, depressed, confused, tired, hot flashes, little sleep, pins and needles w sharp pains in my feet , and anxious about nothing in particular ( but everything ) if you know what I mean. You are not crazy and you are not alone! Good news is the symptoms dont seem to last as long this time around. 2 weeks compared to 8 months straight. Definately starting to get used to my body and knowing when my levels are out of whack. Hang in there hopefully it will get better or less severe with time!
    • Posted

      Thanks for responding!!! Yeah the anxiety is the worst thing for me too but it’s not like I get heart racing and stuff it’s just an overwhelming worry i guess like I worry it won’t ever go away or I’m crazy lol I know I’m not but that’s how it feels and it’s not all the time I think when I get stressed or overwhelmed or around my period which is irregular it kicks in and I get fustrated cause I’m like what the hell why does this crap still bother me lol! It’s frustrating but I know it’s hormones and all that fun stuff and the fact I have a lot on my plate!!
  • Posted

    Hey Christina, sounds to me like you are entering the dreaded menopause. You sound as if it's early stages, but you are around the right age for the start of this lovely nightmare. My symptoms were totally unconnected and isolated and been going on for at least 10 years if not longer. End of December last, hormones finally crashed completely. What a mess! HRT has saved me from hell. Some women sail through memo with no problems, my adoptive mom did. But not inheriting her genes, I could not function. My Dr is investigating bio identical HRT for me as I am high risk and bio is less risky. Don't let your symptoms get so you can't function as you have 2 children to look after, quite young. Is your 12 year old your son or daughter? If its a girl, she surely knows about periods by now. Talk to her, you might be surprised at the support you get as you clearly aren't getting much from your other half. Have you got a family member or close friend you can just vent to every now and then that helps. Get yourself on a menopause vitamin supplement. Take extra b complex, evening primrose oil, vitamin d, folic acid etc; these will help until your Dr says you are ready for HRT if you want it or need it like I did. Hope your appointment goes well and that you feel better about yourself soon. People are right - DONT GOOGLE THINGS as you will end up frightening yourself half to death. Here if you need me. XXX

    • Posted

      The 12 yr old is my daughter and she hasn’t gotten her period yet! I think it’s just the combo of working from home having two kids pretty young and there issues and the responsibilities all mothers have. I mean I do my job and for the most part I’m okay it’s just I think closer to my period I start feeling off it’s like stress gets to me easier and my mind just races with irrational stuff! Of course then I start the what’s wrong with me cycle of anxiety fun I know it’s weird cause I don’t get like heart racing and that stuff  it’s more of  a doom feeling if that makes sense like I will lose my mind lol! Oh and I’m so focused on trying to figure out when my period will come cause it’s irregular so I always try to figure out if I feel the way I do cause of pms it’s crazy!! Thanks for responding 
    • Posted

      Hi Tina, great message of support for everyone going through this, my FSH level is now 15 so I’m going to consider hrt - which one did you go on and how long it it take for you to feel better ? 
    • Posted

      Hi Karen, always here to give what support and advice I can to all my friends on these forums. At first I was on HRT tablets, the name of which eludes me at the moment, but the real success has been evorel sequi patches, together with lots of vitamin supplements and dietary changes, wholemeal bread, flora, non-dairy, low fat or goats cheese. More salads and no gassy drinks. A hot chocolate or hot vanilla drink at night(this needs to be full fat goats or cows milk) with 1 or 2 crushed valerian in it. When things get really bad I have diazepam, and my Dr is looking into bioidentical HRT and melatonin to help me sleep at night more naturally. I am so very blessed to have the Dr I have, as he was my friend before he qualified, and magically arrived at my surgery. We celebrate 25 years next year of him being my best friend aswell as my Dr. I look upon him as my 'little brother and he looks upon me as big sister as all of his immediate family live in Canada now, so he only sees them a couple of times a year, so we as families, are very close. I also have incredible support from my long suffering partner of 13 years, and my 3 sons, who all show me such amazing love and understanding. Not all ladies are as lucky as me, and I know that which is why I am always here and ready to listen to anyone who needs to talk. Hope I have been of help to you. Hugs and kisses.😃

    • Posted

      Mine last January came back to 20,5 along with estradiol 23...

      ​I am waiting for an endometriosis cyst to be surgically removed and after I am going to press for HRT.

      ​Estrogen deficiency symptoms have completely  destroyed me


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