Peri. Nobody understands how awful the symptoms are.

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Hi ladies

Just wanted to moan really. I can't understand how people don't understand how bad you feel (ie mum and husband )I am sure my mum thinks I'm always moaning about something. I really don't want to feel ill. My symptoms are so varied like loads of ladies. A few of them are:

Fatigue. I just went out to wash the car and half way I was out of breath and sweating.

Ears buzzing and jaw buzzing.

Not sleeping

Anxiety (terrible )

Feeling frightened inside.

Terrible acid reflux - burns in my nose too. I'm assuming this is reflux related.

Restless legs at night.

Doom and gloom(this is awful I was always a happy person

I'm not interested in going anywhere. Not interested in how I look and I always looked after myself. I like my clothes and makeup.

Weak legs

Freezing feet.

Don't feel like washing my hair.

I an trying to get on with things and ignore the feelings but I just can't.

Keep plodding on I suppose.

I'm afraid my husband will get fed up.

4 likes, 35 replies

35 Replies

  • Posted


    I completely understand where you are coming from.  I feel like my friends and family think I'm crazy or a hypochondreack (sp).  I have many of your same symptoms as well as others you have not mentioned.  I often feel like I'm going crazy and or going to die!!  The anxiety comes and goes along with a rapid heart beat but when I have it, IT IS HORRIBLE!!!!!!  I was to scream, run away and hide.  It's literally more than I can handle sometimes.  The depression also comes and goes but when I am depressed, I'm the same way.  I don't care about anything!  I'm so sorry you are feeling this way.  Please know there are many ladies out there suffering just the same, and hopefully that will bring some peace.  

  • Posted

    I feel exactly the same though still having regular heavy periods. I'm 57. I have had two new baby grandchildren recently and struggle to show enthusiasm for the cooing and cuddling I'm supposed to enjoy.

    I take an iron supplement for low iron which I think helps a bit with my energy levels.

    I have been using soya milk and soya products when I can which I think helps with the night sweats and flushes.

    Get your husband to read some of the posts on here. He may not realise the extent of your symptoms. I had a good chat with my husband at the weekend after he was asking questions about menopause. He was totally ignorant of what to expect and how it affects our moods and wellbeing. He will understand now if I suddenly have to lie down for a sudden overwhelming need to sleep!


  • Posted


    We can all relate to you and some way!!!! I too showed my husband the 66 signs and symptoms of menopause to help him understand as well!!!! It's a lot for us to understand as we go thru it! I am a nurse and I was never taught about perimenpause I was taught about menstruation infertility and menopause don't remember one thing about peri tho my brain has been dead being in this and it was about twenty years ago lol it almost feels like you will never have a good day again if it isn't one thing it's another or a whole bunch of symptoms at once I'm 47 I have been going thru this since I'm 42 it was very subtle in the beginning very subtle now it's just wild ughhhhh thank God I found these boards they have helped just knowing I'm not alone in this crazy thing all these wacko symptoms and the Drs well most not all are just naive to it which is quite annoying or they want to send you for five hundred tests I always said too bad there isn't a pill that just stopped everything when you wanted it done and you could go about life and live it to the fullest hang in there take it a day at a time

    • Posted

      I too have been going through it since 42but was more gradual then didn't really stop me to much but now is a different story. I never knew women went through this year's ago. I must be ignorent
  • Posted

    Hi Michelle,

    You are not alone in this at all. I am suffering with every single symptom you just listed. Right now my period is late and my stomach and acid reflux is HORRIBLE! Which of course brings on anxiety and panic, oh this vicious perimenopause cycle that we have to live through daily. I can totally relate to the not caring what I look like and not wanting to be bothered to wash my hair. It's crazy because this has never ever been me. I tend to put my hair in ponytail many days and then even wear hats. I can't believe this is Me sometimes. I hope you have a better day and I hope your peri symptoms give you a little break.

    Debbie 🌻🌻🌻

    • Posted

      Oh thanks. Yes I have long hair but all I do is put it up. Now I'm thinking about what to do tomorrow but I know I can't plan because tomorrow may be more symptoms or could be less. I'm going abroad in August. I should be excited about it but to tell you the truth I don't know how I'm going to do it 😑
  • Posted

    Hi Michelle,

    I've had all that you say, I know how you feel.

    My mum and husband did not understand either and my mum died thinking I was just a depressed nutter.

    She didn't have any symptoms of meno except lol and I quote 'if anything I felt a bit warmer afterwards'

    My husband only coming round to the idea it was meno related in the past 6 months since I've been reading about you ladies here having the same troubles and since HRT has made a lot of improvements for me, I still wonder though if I will ever have the same energy and zest that I had before all this started.

    • Posted

      I will show my husband this forum this weekend. I went on HRT patches a week ago. Hopefully things will change a bit soon. I also bought some ginger capsules from Holland and barrett this afternoon. I will try them after tea.
    • Posted

      Hi Michelle,

      Hope the HRT helps you.

      You need to take the ginger a half hour before meals not after.

    • Posted

      michelle, has the HRT patches made any difference so far and how did you feel when you first started them. still deciding whether to give it a go, thanks!
    • Posted

      After about 10 days I could go certain places and stay there without panicking. The doctor said they take up to 8 weeks to start really working. I would given them a go.
  • Posted

    It's like I have written your post.. I've never felt so awful hun. I suffering awful with anxiety too and I have turned into a lazy fat hag. I never ever looked my age (41) and was always being complimented... Not anymore. I barely look in the mirror. We have to just hand on Hun and supporter each other and any time we are feeling like we should give up, put a post on here, and between us all, we can pick each other up and dust each other down. Big hugs xx
    • Posted

      I went through phases of this.

      No interest in clothes hair make up shopping for clothes.

      I got a little better then about a year before the end I picked up a bit. Had a major rethink about what I wore (too old for those mini skirts) chose a style I felt wasn't quite as young (slightly hippy ish ) longer length got a new hair do etc.

      My only gripe buying clothes a size bigger than I was.

      Hair suits better than it did I had 6 inches off it's still below my shoulders though and went from dark to highlights weave highlights which follow my own grey so I can grow old gracefully.

      My husband loved it dark brown but I think as my skin has changed the dark was making me look sicker than I was.

    • Posted


      I am 46 and I loved to buy clothes and keep my hair coloured and nice. I was always complimented how young I looked. Not know ,I am not interested in going through my clothes in the morning. Up to last October I did mature modelling. I look at the pictures now of me modelling the clothes and can't believe that was me. I want the energy back and motivation to go shopping again with my daughter

    • Posted

      That was me Zigangie. I was phobic of having my hair short, (bad experience over 30 years ago). I went for years with my lovely dark brown hair sprinkled with grey, even wore men's t-shirts for comfort as they fitted my boobs better, (I'm big chested). 

      A few years ago, I decided I wanted to be different so started wearing girly clothes again and went to the hairdresser. She was okay but our present hairdresser is amazing. She actually talked me into having an inverted bob. Each time I went, she'd cut it slightly shorter at the back to where I now have to have it clipped as my neck hair shows lol. But it's still lovely and long at the front. I love it.

      Michelle, as other ladies have said, I could have written your post. It is horrendous when we feel this bad. Last night I had to go to bed because I felt so sick, and this weird tired feeling at the same time. I had to lie down, panicked as usual and feel low today. I hope you're feeling better soon, it's awful feeling so rough.

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