Peri or not

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hi - im 44 next week for the past year i have started experiencing different symptoms (not all together) first it was extremely sore breasts to the point i went and paid for a mammogram (which was fine) then it all settled, i am anxious quite a lot and have ongoing lower back and pelvic pain (again scans and checks with gp all ok) my bloods say im not in peri and because i don't have hot flushes my gp says im not either -- im still having have a period every month be it quite scanty it only lasts for 3 days then i can spot for up to a week..........i get the impression that the gp goes of a text book case for all patients im just wondering even tho bloods say im not could this be my body starting to adjust towards getting ready for it or am i missing something ???? any advice welcome

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6 Replies

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    I have read that blood tests aren't accurate in diagnosing peri/menopause. Hormones fluctuate all the time so I think going by symptoms tells you more about your body than a hormone test? I do believe doctors go off a text book, all women are different and experience changes at different ages. I was also told I wasn't in peri but I had all the classic symptoms. You name it I've had it, there's no joy haha I started this journey about 5 years ago but even in the last 12 months doctors have told me I'm too young, it all starts around 50, I'm 47. I also have lower back pain and pelvic pain and about 2-3 weeks out of the month it feels like my period is coming so I have period pain a lot. Have had scans both abdominal and transvaginal and showed nothing. Our body is a mystery sometimes. Hang in there, you aren't alone

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    hello :

    i start it at 45 and was with my breast the left one and i start having ovary pain lower pelvic , abdominal, then hips , off balance , dizzynes , bad headaches tooth ache still go periods , night sweats , im 50 now and im not on meno yet. but get ramdon pains . get heart rates high. this is all part of your body getting ready

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      I get breast pains, left breast. Nasal dripping. Dry mouth. Anxiety that makes everything a lot worse. I'm Going to see my doctor tomorrow to check if there's anything wrong. I've booked a mammogram too.

  • Edited

    Hi dear

    Sometimes blood test donot confirm peri.

    .More accurate is to see our symptoms.

    I am 39 years old...started peri 2 years back.....It come like many strange symptoms appear suddenly

    Weakness , dizziness ,tired, head pressure, headaches , jelly legs and list goes on and on

    Earlier i was so happy in life ..enjoyed it...Fun loving person...suddenly i feel depressed without any reason...avpid meeting people.. ..sad all time...i check with soo many Dr's ..did soo many test..Thank God all normal..i was sooo much confused what going on in me..4 months goes like this......after few months my periods become sooo heavy...before and after my symptoms intensify... .. .i was soo confused what going on....i search in net and find this reading others problem..i came to know it may be Perimenopause...this forum is God Blessing to me.....then i went to GP....discuss all..she did blood test..FSH and other test..all come normal..she told YOU R TOO YOUNG FOR MENOPAUSE....and give me anti depression medicines and some supplements...Dr donot have much knowledge about it... .

    i follow this site and came to know many others people r also suffering like me..

    I accept now my body is changing....its natural process....i cannot do much just to take care of food ,water intake and take rest .

    I left my teaching job because of my symptoms.

    Home bound now

    Hang is there

    waiting for better days


  • Posted

    Hi dear

    Sometimes blood test donot confirm peri.

    .More accurate is to see our symptoms.

    I am 39 years old...started peri 2 years back.....It come like many strange symptoms appear suddenly

    Weakness , dizziness ,tired, head pressure, headaches , jelly legs and list goes on and on

    Earlier i was so happy in life ..enjoyed it...Fun loving person...suddenly i feel depressed without any reason...avpid meeting people.. ..sad all time...i check with soo many Dr's ..did soo many test..Thank God all normal..i was sooo much confused what going on in me..4 months goes like this......after few months my periods become sooo heavy...before and after my symptoms intensify... .. .i was soo confused what going on....i search in net and find this reading others problem..i came to know it may be Perimenopause...this forum is God Blessing to me.....then i went to GP....discuss all..she did blood test..FSH and other test..all come normal..she told YOU R TOO YOUNG FOR MENOPAUSE....and give me anti depression medicines and some supplements...Dr donot have much knowledge about it... .

    i follow this site and came to know many others people r also suffering like me..

    I accept now my body is changing....its natural process....i cannot do much just to take care of food ,water intake and take rest .

    I left my teaching job because of my symptoms.

    Home bound now

    Hang is there

    waiting for better days


  • Edited

    I think at this point anything goes..This forum has heard it all.. And when it doubt, get it check out. Before my period my breast are really tender and full, it's like I have to guard them for a couple days. I also have heart palps at times and then here lately a weird cramp above my left breast. I don't have hot flushes but around my period I have the back and pelvic pain. It's not every month so I have no idea why.. Is it what I eat..About 2 months ago I had really add cramps like no other and thought 'oh great' something else to worry about (it was on the right hip-pelvic) BUT luckily I haven't had those so what a relief. : )

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