Peri symptoms ramped up.
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Hi, I've been perimenopausal for at least the last 3 to 4 years. I've had many different symptoms over the years, tried lots of supplements, been put on alsorts of meds thru the doctors. I've been on the pill (Microgygnon) for a while now as it initially helped mask the symptoms. But I think I may need something stronger nowadays.
My main symptoms at the minute are
Sinus problems
Teeth problems
Hot flushes
Crashing fatigue
No appetite
Fuzzy forgetful head
Funny taste in mouth/dry mouth
No motivation
Periods lighter and a lot shorter
Stomach ache
But my main worrying symptoms at the moment are
Breathlessness and anxiety.
I noticed about 5 or 6 weeks ago my breathing wasn't good. I am asthmatic but it's not that type of breathlessness.
I feel like I can't get a full breath in, air hunger it's described as. I feel like someone's sat at the bottom of my lungs. It seems to come on a lot worse at certain points in my cycle. Worse around ovulation and this week just before a period.
I'm also feeling a lot more anxious, the breathing is causing the anxiety to feel worse too as I panic when I feel I can't breathe but it's a vicious cycle.
I have previously been prescribed Propranolol for anxiety when I had a bit of a breakdown last year, I have been taking the odd dose of it when I feel I need to calm down. it helps but I don't like the way it makes me feel, spaced out, tired and sick.
Has anyone found anything that helps with the breathlessness?
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Gypsy014 lesley55485
Hi Lesley I wrote a post on this some time back when I first started feeling this air hunger /breathlessness. and yes indeed it is awful and scary.. what helped me and still helps me through my episodes is cold weird but helps I open my freezer door or stand in front of my air conditioning if its on. and just try and take my short deep breaths until I get that one deep one that I'm missing.. it is different from asthma.. also so many other things help as well, I take short sips of cold water until I can belch it helps so so much as I feel a lot of this is swallowing air from panicking because we can't get that deep breath and so worried that we will make ourselves pass out , a nurse told me once even if you faint you'll come right back to, and remember hearing back in the day when woman would faint and their husbands would carry them off to their bedrooms to rest.. but the idea is try not to panic that deep breath will come, and it is a combo of panic anxiety and trapped gas once calm from the anxiety and you have a chance to burp/belch and loosen pants at waistline as well as bra line ( I don't even wear bras anymore) then you should feel better, this is a symptom of menopause from a cross between everything that I just menrioned above that you just have to talk and calm your way through just like all the rest of these nasty symptoms doesn't matter if its a migraine or a dizzy spell. whatever it may be we get ourselves through each and every symptom.. I'm having the short breath air hunger right now, I went to grocery store carried everything in wiping all my items down with sanitizer bleaching floors etc.. and I haven't eaten yet so I'm kind of low blood sugar to so I'm sitting breathing trying to any ways and reading some posts, before I get up and push on through and continue with my dizzy low blood sugar hopefully breathing a bit better hope you get relief soon, don't panic you should be fine.. take care β€
lesley55485 Gypsy014
Thankyou for replying. π
It's such a weird scary thing to happen, I'm used to how my breathing is with my asthma but this is just very bizarre how it comes in suddenly and can last days. Unfortunately I don't have air con living in the UK. Do have fans in each room, may try standing in front of that.
Just thinking as well I've been having more dizzy low blood sugar type episodes recently roo.. last one was when I'd mowed the lawn in quite hot sun, came in and wasn't very well thru shakes, dizzy, faint low BP.
I hate all this change and stuff.
Are you on HRT or anyrhing or were you when this all starts?
Gypsy014 lesley55485
yes its all so awful.. no i can't take hormones because had hysterectomy years ago, but still have ovaries..and maternal grandmother had breast cancer, so can't have hrt..
Gypsy014 lesley55485
oh and also forgot to say its always always worse on these hot humid days, try and stay in with air conditioning πΈπ·π
april71774 Gypsy014
agreed! im in las vegas in 105 degrees. so much worse, it like permeates the walls
Gypsy014 april71774
yes the heat is exhausting, and makes everything so much worse...
betty11791 lesley55485
hi lesley this is me trying to encourage you to be patient everything will pass i've been menopausal for over 10 years went through everything under the sun had all the tests came back negative so i gave up and decided to let my body do whatever it wanted that breathless feeling will go i can say some symptoms have gone still have occasional palpitations and anxiety but i know its menopause i don't let it scare me any more don't worry just go with the flow