Peri - Waking up at sparrow's fart!
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Hey ladies. Any suggestions on this one?
I'm waking up EVERY MORNING way before the alarm - too early to start charging around the house (not that I have the energy to). I have blinds, blackout curtains and another blackout blind, so the room is as dark as a cow's insides. But I still wake up. As soon as I stir, the cat thinks it's time to get up, so he sings the song of his people outside the bedroom door - even if it's 5am, he really couldn't give a toss. So my 'Might get back to sleep, if I'm lucky' turns into me rolling about like a burrito until I finally get back to sleep, 5 minutes before the alarm kicks off.
I've no idea what the chuff is waking me up every day, but it's sure as hell pi$$ing me off now!
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2chr2015 Sourpuss
are you hot at all when you wake up?
i wake up at 3 and don't get back to sleep until 5 on a regular basis. i have to take something to help me sleep a couple of nights a week to try and get a full nights sleep . i am usually hot when i wake up. sometimes sweating, sometimes not. I don't what causes it but i know it is common.
Sourpuss 2chr2015
I woke up hot this morning after only 5 hours sleep, so I'm stripping down the bedding to see if that works. I already have a fan on throughout the night, pointed at the bed.
They don't tell you any of this, do they?
debra16694 Sourpuss
oh dear sourpuss, you sound like me...i wake up anywhere between 2:00 & 4:00 am either in an inferno or i just wake up & need to use the loo & then cant go back to sleep & then finally fall back into a serious deep sleep, until thecatstarts howlin or the dog starts pacing to be let out - my nights are not fun! your post made me laugh!
Sourpuss debra16694
He kicked off again this morning, although it was a relatively late 7am!
rhonda64529 Sourpuss
YUP. One day i just got up for work at 2:30....
Beverlys1 Sourpuss
I do the same at least 4 times a week I finally got a cotton quilt and fold it like a sleeping bag and its cotton so it breaths and no sheets nothing always wear cotton, have my fan pointed at me...The only thing is my husband hates it and I call it my cacoon!!!ha,ha right what we have to go threw to try to get a good night sleep and stay comfortable,, You can also kick it off alot easier then sheets, I also take melatonin and magnesium everynight a a xanax once in awhile if I go for several days....Hugs to allxxxx
tracyjgordon Sourpuss
yep I wake about about an hour before my alarm and my little dog then starts barking to go out too! So then I go back to sleep for half hour! Always slept till the alarm went off before!