Perimal abcess

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Hi this is the second abcess I've had first one in 2003 after keep going to the doctors about hemoroids. Well the weekend was tough i dialled 111 spoke to adviser they sent me to see out of hours doctor. She examined me and made things worse

Saturday i was admitted to hospital the surgery department said there's nothing to drain so sent me home. 1.45 Sunday morning my wife phoned 111 the doctor phoned back said it's serious he phoned ambulance ended back to hospital. Because a&e wanted beds they put me in a waiting room for hours couldn't sit due to pain. Then i got sent home again. I didn't feel good at all. After getting home my wife phoned hospital they said bring him back. When i got there they was waiting with wheelchair took me to ward one of the team wasn't happy has they sent me home with high infection. The following day i used commode and abcess exploded team was notified and i was operated that afternoon cut and drain my bowls only opened today a week after but had to strain which they didn't want me to. Seeing nurses every day for packing. Dressing my wife helps to taking antibiotics 625mg 3 times a day. Sat on loo caused another tear. Constipation not helping. Taking movicol .waiting for colonoscopy and mri scan probably in 3 weeks time.

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6 Replies

  • Posted

    Hello, sorry to hear this is happening to you again. All I can say is the shower head was my best friend during this time and sitz's baths help too. Anti-biotics - most I have come across say they do not help, it depends where the infection is located. If you are taking pain medication this will be constipating you. rock and a hard place - excuse my term. Hopefully packing will end after week two, it depends on the size of the wound and hopefully you will be on the mend soon. See the perianal abscess organisation website if you would like some further info.

    My mantra is diet,diet, diet. lots and lot of veg, raw, cooked or juiced. It hopefully cannot do you any harm and will hopefully help you to heal a little.

    Take care of yourself, please let us know how you get on.

    • Posted

      Hello thankyou for your post. Iv 2 holes from operation in near the back passage. The abcess hole is about the width of an adult thumb the other is a long cut think that was a hemoroid. Because of the dirty area the open wound is situated that's why i got to have antibiotics 625mg to stop infection. I can't shower because of the dressing the nurses do. And it's still oosing but nurses say it's healing fine. Don't know why iv got to have colonoscopy and mri scan makes me worry.

  • Posted

    MRI scan is normal. I had one too. I would say colonoscopy is just being extra cautious. They should tell you why you are having these. Call them again if there is anything you are unsure of. It is hard to take in and understand everything you are told and sometimes it is not explained well so ask again about anything you are not sure of. Anti-biotics - yes understand why prescribed but it depends where the wound is if the anti-biotic can reach it. My packing used to fall out as soon as I went for a BM but they told me not to worry about it. I was worried about using the shower head but where my wound was I had no other way to clean myself. Again feel free to ask the nurse or GP about this and they can keep you straight. Good to hear you are healing well. Can take up to around 8 weeks and will drain for a while. Ask them to give you plenty of cotton gauze to help catch any drainage.


    • Posted

      Thankyou that's helpful. But don't know why I keep getting emotional thoughts. Silly me. Thought it was the medication.

  • Posted

    I was an emotional wreck, petrifed, in shock, you name it. This is an awful, painful embarrassing condition. Don't be too hard on yourself, it is only natural to be emotional during this.

    • Posted

      Thankyou. It's not painful now. Only when the nurses change dressing and packing. It's just the constipation im concerned about. But taking movical maybe it will help.


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