Perimanipouse and lower back and legs pain

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Anyone who is going through Peri having pain in lower back and legs ,I was ok all day till around 4 pm I felt a pain I’m my back and going down to my legs like when u have very bad flu that goes deep in bones I took iboprofine which did help little ,but it is scarring me ,is it pri symptoms 

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, I get this too. It comes on suddenly sometimes for a few days, and then goes again. Makes me feel like an arthritic old person.
  • Posted

    Yes, I get that too. Some days it's really bad, then it just disappears. Of course, I get a symptom somewhere else to take its place!!!

    • Posted

      Ugh’s like musical symptoms! Hating it! Glad we are all in this together 
  • Posted

    Thanks for the replaying I was so scared today the first think I thought of was ms I hate this feeling ,I miss old me 😔😔

  • Posted

    I totally get it. I was terrified when I first experienced the pain (I don't have a very high threshold for pain at the best of times), and I could barely get out of bed. Hopefully the ipubrophen will help you.

    • Posted

      Thanks hun it did help plus I filled my bath tube with worm water and Epsom salt and sat on it for 15 minutes ,I had hot flashes after word but atlease my muscles feels little better 💕💕

  • Posted

    I get this, but I believe it’s sciatic pain. Can happen on either side, but right most often. A PT told me it’s piriformis syndrome. The piriformis muscle gets very tense and aggravated the sciatic nerve. Sending pain shooting down the back of my leg. I have stretches that help. I’m not sure this is meno related, more likely due to a desk job and long commute. Too much sitting! 

  • Posted

    I get this also!! When I first got it I thought I had bone cancer or usually happened at night. It comes and goes now..I tried to track when it happened but now it is random...I wonder what this is?
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    I’m a newbie here & to peri menopause! I don’t experience lower back pain , however upper back pain I have is excruciating! It comes in some days in a afternoon ( this is why I think it maybe peri related or stress) some days it hurts to breathe ( it’s just below shoulder blades) I try heat ( little relief) people around me think I’m a hypochondriac! Then maybe the next day it’s gone ! I too miss my old self  ! I just want to sleep through it all and be woken when it’s over !! X 

    • Posted

      I’m sick and tired of feeling the flu symptoms all the time ! Actually I’m scared too because if this is the preparation for the menopause!! God help me !! When the actual menopause hits me !! 

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