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Been depressed for couple of years now I'm 51 since reaching this age I have got worse.thr anxiety panic attacks are really bad

.my periods have been up and down got sweats in the night can't sleep waking up at like 3 in the morning crying and panicking needing to pee constantly on Prozac and iron tabs at the moment asked my doc if it was menopause but he just dismissed it feel room and gloom every day don't have energy to do anything and aches and pains all over my body feel really old could this be peri plz help

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10 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Christine, it certainly sounds like peri! Write down your symptoms everyday, and look next month to see if same symptoms return for you next month around the same time.. Symptoms tend to repeat themselves, and increase in severity, at least for me they do.. Many woman take vitamins change diet , like cutting caffeine, alcohol, processed foods, things that aggravate the symptoms, yoga meditation, all good. Its a very rough ride, mentally and physically, some woman have it worse than others, and fingers crossed symptoms settle when hormones decide to settle.. Take advantage of them good days, and on the bad ones just take it easy, and tell yourself its just hormones and you will make it through..and cry cry cry, go right ahead its good for you, cleanses your system.. I've never cried so much in all my life, but do feel it tends to release built up anxiety for me!!! Good luck!!!

    • Posted

      Thank you so much for replying .never thought it would be like this weird thoughts depression anxiety the list goes on so fed up can't enjoy life at the moment.hope you and the rest of the ladies get through this as quickly as possible take care x

  • Posted

    Also forgot to say, when your feeling that scared lonely anxious panicky heart racing can't be alone feeling, its a surge of hormones, with a side of anxiety, and in that moment just try and relax, meditate , deep breaths, and try a focal point as your meditating on something else until it subsides.. I feel for you, as I've experienced it all, and not fun sad

  • Posted

    Hi Christine,

    So sorry to hear that you are going through all this.

    Yes, this definitely sounds like peri to me, especially at your age. I am turning 50 this year, and things have really intensified. I have had crying jags, screaming in the car, feeling totally out of control, paralyzing depression, doom and gloom, anxiety, irritability. These times have been interspersed with feeling happy, calm, and perfectly at ease with everything in my life. It is incredibly challenging to live like this

    My periods are struggling to start now, so I am hoping that I am nearing the end. I just keep going, and I tell myself that one day it will end for good. The hardest part is not knowing when that is going to be.

    Just keep communicating with the women on this site; they offer immense support!


    • Posted

      Thanks Bev for replying feels a bit better knowing your not alone.just wish there was a bit more research done in to this as so many women suffering and don't no what's wrong with them.i keep thinking the worst every time I get a pain then the anxiety sets in really bad and sets my thoughts you no if you can take vitamin b with Prozac a d iron tablets

  • Posted

    I had the same and Doctor was very unhelpful so I changed clinics. Went on HRT and mood lifted. Just trying different ones as Elleste duet gives me bad bleeds. Try HRT and change docs.
  • Posted

    HI how long have you been on proazc, and what mg, do you find it helps at all
    • Posted

      Hi been on it for six weeks now not really feeling any benefits at the moment I'm 20mg once a day my doc wanted to up the dose but I said I would give it a bit longer

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