Perimenopausal. Advice !!

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I am def Perimenopausal.   I am 48 and experiencing the obvious signs I.e erratic periods.  So I hadn’t had a period since February and this week I had period pains and knew something was occurring !! I had a really light brown show for about two days but the pain was off the scale.   That lasted two days and went for a day and then tonight I have the worst pains again but no brown/red blood.  It’s a typical period pain but it’s the pain around my back but just one side and the pain underneath my private that is so so bad.  Is this normal ?  I kind of feel if I come on and had “normal” red blood these pains would go.   Has anybody else had this such intense pain and in same areas ?    Many thanks.    Victoria x

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4 Replies

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    Any advice out there?   Or somebody else experiencing the same as me ? 😂😂😂 xx

  • Posted

    Hi Victoria...give it a day or so and I promise you that more women will respond to your question.

    Personally, I do experience the exact pains you describe.You are not alone. I call them dry periods...phantom periods. And I agree that if the regular flow would happen, the pain would cease. That's usually what happens to me. But that intense, sharp pain in the meantime is something straight from you know where!!!

    • Posted

      Thank you for your response Katy.   So do you get the sharp pain underneath ?   It so bad? X
  • Posted

    Hi Victoria, the end of last year i was the same really painful period pains in between my periods and a sharp pain inside my bits. Frightened me to death thought i had some terrible disease or cancer. it eventually stopped and i did not experience it again. but, i am starting to have really bad period pains again just a week after my period ended. i am 47 and periods keep being all over the place. Not my last period but, the one before lasted 27 days, it gets me down tbh. Hang in there it should ease, if it doesn,t see your GP xx

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