Perimenopausal problems
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Hi! I know it's normal to experience heavy bleeding during perimenopause. But getting up at night to change a full tampon and pad three different times can't be normal, can it?? Does anyone else have this problem?
?My doctor's appointment is Tuesday. She want to do an ultrasound where they inject water up inside. I can't imagine that will be a good thing.
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becky53379 lori92895
Hi Lori, I have not experienced that yet but I do believe that is normal in perimenopause. I think that is cousin experienced it during Peri. It's good that you have an appointment on Tuesday just to ease your mind. One thing though make sure that you are eating plenty of iron rich foods so that you do not become anemic. I hope that all goes well at your appointment. Keep us posted. Try to get some rest. Take care!
Esmay becky53379
That is wise advice Becky. I was found to be anaemic last year. Dr wasn't too happy to find I'd been donating blood whilst sometimes having periods that lasted 50 days.
Not the best idea but I honestly didn't think about it.
Funnily enough I was only ever turned away once for low iron levels.
marisol06794 lori92895
Hi lori at this very moment I'm going through the same thing I've had to change constantly I'm even afraid to go out since i aready experienced such an embarrassing moment a few months back i went out for dinner with my family and i got up to go the rest room i felt something running down my legs OMG thank god i was dressed in black when i checked myself it had gone through my pads and clothes i just had to walk out quickly and go home so yes i do think it has to do with menopause because I've heard this from other ladies also hope everything goes well for you at your app hope we get through this journey soon hugs!!!
Esmay marisol06794
Ah Marisol, reading this just made me want to cry
When I was younger I always thought menopause meant your periods getting lighter and lighter then further apart. What a crock, lol, I mean it might be like that for some people but going off what I've just read here
Are you just working through this every month or getting help with it?
Esmay lori92895
Hi Lori,
Me too, a few times I've had to change once, never three though; did have to change my pj's as well mind.
I don't even know if I'm going through peri but I do have fibroids so it may be a combination of the two.
I'm due to have a hysterectomy soon so that's why I'm on here, getting information and scaring myself in equal measure
Really hope you get things sorted soon x
lori92895 Esmay
Hi! Thanks for your reply. My mother had a hysterectomy due to fibroids and heavy bleeding. She says, she's never missed those parts.
I may have to request one for myself.
This period I'm on has been going on since December. Some days light, some heavy. Very tired and tired of it. Can't wait for menopause.
nancy0925 lori92895
I suffered for years with that. Wore 2 thick night time pads and if I didn't get up and change at least once during the night then I would get up in the AM and just gush blood getting it all over my pajama bottoms so I made it a point to get up twice and that made it better in the morning. Was this way for several years. Last year my GP sent me to a hematologist because my iron dramatically dropped. She told me it was menstrual related and had to take iron supplements. Thankfully my periods switched up and I started skipping months and they lightened up a lot. I'm 54 years old. I also had a uterine fibroid. Now I can't complain but will be happy when it's gone for good
kelly55079 lori92895
Yes this happens to me for the first couple days I'm a mess day and night.. I really have to be careful. And then sometimes there will be a 'flood' out of the blue even days before I was slowing down. I really can't wait for it to be over.. I also take iron pills about a week before it starts and during as I've been enemic before. My sister had a problem with bleeding too much and I think the dr had to put her on some pills.
gailannie lori92895
Typically Lori, what this indicates is that you aren't ovulating and producing enough progesterone to offset the level of estrogen your body is producing. Many women do well by adding progesterone to the second half of the cycle. You can do that in many ways, pills, cream or vaginal suppositories. It might help. Just an idea you can discuss with your dctor.
pinkcatfairy lori92895
I believe it is what they call flooding! In peri thankfully I had a few periods where they were like this and then they went into more of spotting for days on end! I had a friend though who had it like you. I remember her saying she thought her period had stopped and got out of bed one morning and it all came gushing out again. It is a horrible part of peri either way as the normality of our periods suddenly change and the health anxiety kicks in. It is always best to get things checked (I did for my endless spotting) then I just knee it was peri xx
pinkcatfairy lori92895
I believe it is what they call flooding! In peri thankfully I had a few periods where they were like this and then they went into more of spotting for days on end! I had a friend though who had it like you. I remember her saying she thought her period had stopped and got out of bed one morning and it all came gushing out again. It is a horrible part of peri either way as the normality of our periods suddenly change and the health anxiety kicks in. It is always best to get things checked (I did for my endless spotting) then I just knee it was peri xx
BugglyBot lori92895
If it helps Lori, my bleeding was the same and worse. It got so bad that I was wearing, (somehow), two or three super plus tampons with two towels in the day and having to change the tampons within the hour. At night, I would wake up turn to get out of bed, to use the toilet, and it would shoot onto the sheets, side of the bed and the floor because of the pressure.
I think I've had the Perimenopause symptoms for more years than I thought. I have always had heavy periods but this was making me Anaemic. I had the Mirena Coil fitted and it stopped it. I was so relieved as the next step would have been a Hysterectomy. Believe me, you're not on your own.