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I have had my period for over four weeks straight. Its very frustrating...also feeling tired more than usual.
I called a doctor and was told they usually dont see you until ypur bleeding for 3 months.
I am going to be 47 next month. Im guessing this is perimenopause!!?!
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Woo3353 lindasue0469
I went through similar and after bleeding (but not continously) from April to June I was referred to gynae clinic all my tests were okay apart from a slight uterine thickening & estrogen dominance. Eventually my periods went to 35 days ( iam 49 years) I started taking agnus castra & flaxseed oil capsules it took around 2 months but I feel a lot better. I also take bio identical cream the worse was the anxiety and panic disorder which I take medication for but still suffering from. You have to put your foot down with your doctor don't be fobbed off
Bloodnut_100 lindasue0469
natallia04776 lindasue0469
No! I don't believe it! I just book in and then talk to my GP. He gives me anything what I ask. I pay for my medicine. If I need to see a lady gyn he will arrange it for me.
What if you go to A&E? They'll sort you out queakly.
So sorry. Blessings
unico31026 lindasue0469
I didn't know I was in Peri until I came on my period about 8 months ago and bled for two months. Then more symptoms hit me like a brick. I am 41 and I pray this Peri situation ends soon as my mom who is 61 never had ANY symptoms during Peri or meno.