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Hi, I've been perimenopausal for just over 6 years now(started at age 39) and have had irregular periods and all the usual symptoms that go with it, I've been having "flooding periods" with large clots for about 16 months now(when I come on) and have been prescribed Tranexamic acid to help with this. For the last 4 months I have suddenly started having regular peiods again lasting about 5-6 days and keep getting bouts of cystits, somrthing I have never really suffered from. Has anyone out there had the same thing happen - is it usual that this can happen. Didn't think it was worth seeing a doc about. Any advice greatly received
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jayneejay icemaiden
when i was in peri, blimey my bladder always felt sensitive, and i always had the urge for a wee, it lasted years, i went to docs and said i have feelings of a UTI etc, and when tested i hadnt always..
I use to drive my lot crazy, as when out, always looking for a loo 😞
i had cystoscopy and alsorts all okay
my doctor said the peri was making me have a sensitive bladder, infact he said it was a muscle spasm due to hormones being crazy..
he gave me some Oxybutinin tablets ... Oh they were a life saver, as when i felt this awful feeling of cystitus or uti i would take one, then all relaxed and was fine
they were to take as and when and they worked brill for me.
jay x
icemaiden jayneejay
jamie28919 icemaiden
It's sounding as though you're getting bladder irritation from hormonal fluctuations. That can leave us more vulnerable to all kinds of things.
This may NOT be a UTI but, better checked than not and dealt with *IF* it is one. It may just be irritation as Jaynee has so wisely said.
You might want to look up some remedies for preventing UTIs ( if this is one). Things like drinking cranberry juice, loads of water and probiotics can go a long way. Simple measures that aren't too hard to deal with or do.
It might be menstrual pad related...hormonal imbalances...tampons...anything can cause that feeling or an actual UTI.
Talk to a medical professional and get a quick test to see whether it really is one or not then, go from there. Again, there are ways to naturally help prevent your chances of developing at UTI.
Best of wishes! XO
jayneejay jamie28919
i now take adidophilus probiotic twice daily so important i think ..
i am now 17 months post menopause age 50 natural route and experienced the lot along the way.. ( 10 year peri almost )
good balanced diet, and plenty of supplements etc and Vitamins that help menopause is a real plus
jay x
icemaiden jamie28919