Perimenopause - age 48 - breast; back.shoulder pain - ache all over

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The past few weeks have been just terrible as I  filled with full body aches from head to to.

I am 48 years old and have not had a period in over three months.  My breast and chest and ribs just hurt so much and my whole body aches.  My doctor will not listen to a thing I say even though I have very low cortisone levels and had kidney cancer last year. Does anyone else experience any of these same symptoms?  My back and ribs hurt so much it hurts to breath at times and wearing a bra is also painful.  I also have developed major digestive issues and can not stop burping all the time šŸ˜“šŸ˜­šŸ˜“.  Please let me know if this sounds normal or not; I just do not know what to do.

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9 Replies

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    For me it was normal so I would suggest that it is probably for you as well.  I am 52 and am in full menopause for 18 months now.  However, I was 48 when everything went bad.  Digestive issues were the first awful peri symptoms that appeared for me.  I had bouts of gastritis (could hardly eat for 7 days).  I also suffered from bad GERD.  I am very sore much of the time.  The bottoms of my feet actually hurt when I put my feet on the floor first thing in the morning.  I went up a band size in my bra because I couldn't handle the pressure of it against my chest / diaphragm.  The only thing I can tell you is that I have good days and bad - usually a string of good or bad.  It is all so cyclical.  Hang in there.

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      Thanks for getting back to me and letting me know this all sounds normal.  I just wish there was a way to reduce the pain.  How long did it take for your symptoms to pass?  
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    Oh my gosh...I am post menopausal 6 years and the last 3 years my symptoms really ramped up - For me, peri was all about bad insomnia & flooding....menopause has been an amusement park ride & I hate amusement parks! I literally cannot wear a bra anymore, when I do I feel like I have a tourniquet around my diaphragm and I am talking I only wear bralets with no structure.  I remember I used to think it was so ā€œgrossā€ when I would see older ladies not wearing a supportive bra...well, I have become that woman.  Everyday I wake up with some new digestive issue....I have just started on a probiotic a few days ago & it appears to be taming the gas somewhat, I am praying it starts to work miracles.  There are days I canā€™t even go out because the ā€œbloatā€ is so uncomfortable. I am prepared now to do the inflammation diet because there must be something else causing all this discomfort.  Menopause is not for Sissyā€™s!

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    Dear meandbell,

    I had alot of digestive issues in peri, got gastitis, lost appetite and weight and I did get a bad back when I used to swim (thankfully that went away) plus a painful knee (when swim) I have had the shoulder pain, the pain seem to go right through! There are so many menopause symtoms and everyone suffers differently. It can be quite an uncertain scary time as there isnt a straight set symptom chart for menopause, it seems so wide and varied what we may or may not suffer x

  • Posted

    Hi, yes, I've had all this. Are your cycles getting wonky? I started with gastritis. I also had the back and rib pain, and the hard to breathe issues. These were all in the beginning of it all starting. Do you think you are having anxiety issues as well? I think anxiety creates a lot of the symptoms.

    I'm two years in to it all, having better days now, but had a total debilitating year. 

    I think it's reasonable for you to be worried because you went through kidney cancer. Have they run any tests to see if all is OK?

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    Hi Meandbell, i too have and still have back, neck and other pains. I have under rib pain and pain which feels like it is on my bottom ribs both sides and sometimes its directly under my breasts and my bra hurts me. I too am constantly burping and even have developed IBS like symptoms. I am sick to death of going to my GP with all these pains they just think it is all anxiety. x
  • Posted

    Meanbell, you are not alone. I too suffer from digestive issues. Just getting over gastritis again. Itā€™s so uncomfortable. Iā€™ve had the foot pain, the aches and pains etc. it comes and goes. Iā€™m 55 and havenā€™t had a period for 7 months. I wonder if once Iā€™m donā€™t going through peri, if my hormones will level out and this nonsense stops!
  • Posted

    Well, I'm 49 and found myself at my wits end with left shoulder pain and breast pain. I got rid of all my beautiful Victoria Secret bras and went to Wal-Mart and purchase cotton bralets.

    I cut out the coffee, and now drink water or tea. No sugar, nothing white (bread, flour etc....)

    It's sad but I was in so much pain I got anxiety and could not sleep, went to see my doctor 4 times in a month.

    You got Frozen Shoulder which is a normal for perimenapause.

    You need to massage your ankles. Massage the opposite ankle for the shoulder with the pain.

    For the breast, you need to take B12 in liquid form, under tounge for fast absorbs, also Iodine you from the pharmacy which you apply on cuts, liquid form, rub on or under your breast and this helps the ease the pain.

  • Posted

    Meandbell2005, you asked how long it was before my symptoms passed. I wish I could give you a definitive answer but I can't. My symptoms come and go. They are very cyclical in nature. I can go weeks with no stomach issues and then wham they are back and I suffer for days. No rhyme or reason. For me, the uncertainty of all this is very difficult emotionally. It definitely contributes to my anxiety and even depression. I never knew that peri-menopause and menopause could wreak this much havoc on one's body and mind. I do my best to celebrate and take full advantage of the days when I feel myself and remind myself that "this too shall pass" on the days when I literally feel like I am dying. Not easy for sure.

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