Perimenopause , alternative treatment
Posted , 7 users are following.
Hi ladies
Has anyone tried the lady care magnet? At my wits end with this peri menopause want to try this ...
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Posted , 7 users are following.
Hi ladies
Has anyone tried the lady care magnet? At my wits end with this peri menopause want to try this ...
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mel11237 Clare1971
Hi Clare, I'm wearing one as we speak. I started using it from Saturday,so early days but already I'm feeling better in myself more positive and I slept well, last night.
I know from other I've spoken to who use it you have to make sure you drink loads of water else you end up with a headache. You also need to wear it at night too. I didn't Sat but did last night, so who knows, even if it's giving me a placebo effect I don't care as long as it works.
Good luck anything is worth it...
Mel xx
Clare1971 mel11237
Hi Mel
Definitely going to buy this. I can’t cope with all these symptoms and it all seems worse at night . It’s the anxiet, heart palpitations and detached feeling I hate .
mel11237 Clare1971
I agree, night time is my worst time too. I do have moments when I'm on my own during the day but I can talk myself out of the anxiety attack. I hate the can't be bothered feeling. We will get through it though. I'll let you know how mine goes too.
Take care.
Mel xx
louise25018 Clare1971
Within a day or so I felt a lot more positive, less achy and just more like the “old me”. I can’t explain why or how but for me it works so that’s all I worry about. Sure it’s not going to solve everything but relief from at least one or two of Peri/memo symptoms means it’s a winner for me.
One thing though is that I find it can be visible as a little bump through tighter fitting clothes (say a smooth Lycra skirt for example) but I just put it lower down on such occasions.
I agree that more water should be drunk when wearing it which naturally helps sleep and,again, more sleep means more rest and you’ll feel better too.
I’d say give it a go hun as what is there to lose? If it works for you that’s great!
Good luck and let us know how it goes.
Lou xx
Clare1971 louise25018
Hi Louise
Yip nothing to lose except all these awful symptoms, going to order one this minute . Will keep you posted .
louise25018 Clare1971
Within a day or so I felt a lot more positive, less achy and just more like the “old me”. I can’t explain why or how but for me it works so that’s all I worry about. Sure it’s not going to solve everything but relief from at least one or two of Peri/memo symptoms means it’s a winner for me.
One thing though is that I find it can be visible as a little bump through tighter fitting clothes (say a smooth Lycra skirt for example) but I just put it lower down on such occasions.
I agree that more water should be drunk when wearing it which naturally helps sleep and,again, more sleep means more rest and you’ll feel better too.
I’d say give it a go hun as what is there to lose? If it works for you that’s great!
Good luck and let us know how it goes.
Lou xx
Yellow88 Clare1971
debra16694 Yellow88
Hi Yellow - I am about 6 years into Menopause & in the last 3 years my symptoms have really ramped up & this year being the worst! I had all the typical symptoms in peri like bloat, flooding, insomnia, fatigue etc. but now I have every symptom imaginable and it has almost rendered me incapacitated. I wake up everyday wondering what new symptom am I going to have today? I am desperate, but feel like I am too far along or old to even go on anything like bio identical etc....just fantasizing about maybe I am on the tail end of this menopause ride or perhaps this is how I will feel the rest of my life - UGH! Don’t know what to do -
Yellow88 debra16694
Like you I wonder if it is too late for me to try the lady magnet?
I guess you’ve done the B vitamins and magnesium to help with your systems. Humble vit C too can help,
I wish you well and hope you will feel better soon.
debra16694 Yellow88
Hi Yellow - Thank you for responding - my main hesitation with the bio’s & any HRT has always been that when you go off of them, your symptoms tend to return - also, I am so sensitive to medication, I could never even tolerate very low dosage birth control pills so I too question if I could tolerate any kind of HRT. I think I have a boatload of other things going on like adrenal fatigue, a bit of elevated blood sugar & blood pressure, being overweight etc. I take all the prescribed vitamins, B’s, D, E, C magnesium, maca & even have tried Chinese herbs to curb anxiety & I still feel like an alien has taken over my body & mind - I think I am going to resort to Voodoo or an exorcism, cuz healthy living isn’t cutting it! hah!