Perimenopause and feeling so confused and scared

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Hello ladies, I have posted before about how bad Perimenopause symptoms can be.  I am 48 and my periods are a bit irratic, one month five days early or five days late.  Periods last for 7 to 9 days or 3 to 4 days.  Now I am finding that when I am in the middle of my cycle, such as ovulation...which I figure out exactly using a ovulation calculator.  I can also tell by my terrible anxiety, achy head, and slight pain in one side by my ovary.  But, it seems to be changing, now I feel a bit foggy and out of it, achy head and very achy and sore joints and muscles.  This is a little different from when I was younger.  I would usually alway get the pain in the ovary and headache.  But these other symptoms are starting since I hit my late 40's.  This just all gets me so scared and so panicked because I feel very alone with myself.  Please help me out, I need some advice as how to process what is happening at this point in my life.


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11 Replies

  • Posted

    You are not alone Jennifer.  Everyone deals with this in their own way but I think one of the big things for me was accepting that this was a period in my life that I would have to manage and that although awfu at times, it was natural!!! I also took control of it by doing some research, getting advice on here and bugging the Docs for help.  I now take some meds from GP and natural stuff and feel a bit better.  I also try and keep busy and eat well and exercise.  The worst symptoms for me is the anxiety that I am going to get a serious illness through this, bladder issues and sore muscles and joints.  I have manyother symptoms too...too many to list!!!!!! Yo will get support on here but I also chat with my friends about it all and that helps.  Take care.XXX
    • Posted

      Hi Margaret, anxiety and muscule and joint pain are very problematic for me, I am 54 and this all started about 6 months ago, heat flashes are horrible, shoulder pain, I think its rooted in my weight lifting, but the muscules are all knotted and lumpy. I wake up with panic attacks. I was never like this and its horrible now. I h ave pain in my arms and swelling and I went to the dr and he said that I dont have lymphoma but he gave me a steroid cream, it has not really helped, he did give me a cream, but I have mood swings. Literally every sympton I have it, no kidding. I am so frustrated with it all. I hate to sound like such a whiner here. What have you used for the symptons. 
    • Posted

      I understand's a rotten time. I do strength training and I am constantly being injured, have had UTI's and bladder irritation!! I am also convinced I either have cancer or will get it!!  I have oestrogen ovules for dryness and the bladder but don't  like using due to risks.  I also have a none oestrogen cream which I do use and some help. Aalso take solephenecin (for bladder). Natural stuff I use is Vit C, B complex, Multi Vit, Rainforest Macca, D-Mannose, Evening Primrose oil, Cranberry Tablets, I have lady magnets and travel sickness bands ( I get terrible nausea)  None of this helps my joints but is easing the bladder!!  I swing from just suffering to asking for HRT......I hate being injured because I love the gym as it is great for my anxiety and I just get so much out of it!! Hope some of this may help you.X
    • Posted

      I am using the B complex, I just started and I am going to get the Macca, I have heard a lot of good things about it too,. I am considering taking the meds the doctor gave me for anxiety, I hate having fear and feeling overwhelmed by these thoughts of something horrible being wrong or going to happen to me because of how drastically my body has changed, I feel like crying most of the time, even driving around curves makes me anxious. As far as the  joint pain, I see the dr in 10 days and I am going to see what can be done because its awful, and nothing works, I have burning in my arms and I was told it could be rhumatism,.but I dont know, I just feel so frustrated that all of this has rained down on me like a sea of locusts.  I am considering the HRT also, but I am so freaked out about cancer that I dont know.  I think the issue with my shoulder and the knots which freaks me out too started from the strength training. Thanks for listening to me, I sould like a hypocondraic. 
  • Posted

    Jennifer, you are not alone, not crazy, not the only one, and this is normal, even that very uncomfortable. That is how to proccess, it is just a phase. Besides that, there is not much to do besides to find ways to cope - alternative medicine, HRT, yoga, accumpuncture, all together sometimes, lol.  Remember when you complained about PMS?!  This is PMS for perimenopausal women :S  Keep reading this website, you will find information about how to deal with the symptoms that are bothering you. Cheer up, you will feel better soon or latter. XX
    • Posted

      Thank you all so much, it is so comforting to know I am not going through this alone.  My husband is very nice about it and tries to be sympathetic, but I don't expect him to understand what I go through.  This website is a God send.  God Bless


    • Posted

      You are not alone and if it were not for these sites I would go even crazier, my husband is really great but when I discuss this with him, he just stares at me and shrugs, I dont think he knows what to say or do, other than well go to the doctor. Its difficult for him because he has no real solution to the problem but he is supportive and that is very helpful, I feel like he thinks I complain a lot about my health.
  • Posted

    Hi there I am 48 as well and this started last year out of the blue with vertigo that lasted 6 months.  I have fatigue but started Complex B vitamins too and that helped tremendously with energy.  I felt 90.  I am starting to have more good days, before the B Complex I had 3 good days out of the month.  Now it's a week. lol. We are getting better slowly and it will be over soon.  It will pass with time just keep busy is the best. All the best!  Good Luck 🍀 xo
  • Posted

    Hi Jennifer 

    You are not alone i am 46 and I have been going through the menopause since last year but i did not know the signs until I read about heart palpitations and I was having a lot of them last year. It has stopped this year thank you lord so I am hoping that the symptoms are going down, have not had any anxieties accept for Thursday when my nose bleed and my heart was racing. 

    I did read that nose bleeds are comon in women going through menopause because the flucturating hormones can cause the inside of the nose to dry crack and bleed 

    Things will pass and you are not alone

  • Posted

    Jennifer, you are not alone, as others have said this is an extremely tough period for many,  many women and I really think unless you are experiencing it, its very difficult to understand, as I type this now I am in the middle of a major heat flash. The good news is that a) there are many treatments that may help and there is a lot of support on-line. I was somewhat depressed when I heard on the news that a new study revealed that women go through menopause a lot longer than previously believed. But, there are solutions! Hang in there. 
    • Posted

      Thank you Lenie, I think we are given this in life because women are so very strong.  Even going through these kind of things, we're still able to work and take care of our families.  We will get through this, one day at a time. God Blesswink


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