Perimenopause and irregular heart beat
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Hi Ladies,
Has anyone experienced strange chest and heart beats during perimenopause?
I've had ectopics in the past so am aware of them and how they feel, but this is awful.
I'm sure it's worse just before my period. It's such a strange and horrible feeling and leaves you feeling a bit odd afterwards.
Is this normal for anyone else?
I've read that hormones play a big part in heart irregularities before and leading upto the menopause.
Thank you
2 likes, 8 replies
debra16694 dora_39625
katyD211 dora_39625
I have these. I understand that it's common for peri and meno ladies and high on the symptoms list. Mine come n go, more right before I have a period....which are super irregular now so the palps are a sign that I'm about to flow. Then sometimes they disappear for months. Been dealing with them off n on for 5 years and had tests to check heart ,with normal results.
Scary but I'm sure you're fine, too!
sn21848 dora_39625
Yes but you should get it checked out with a cardiologist. Dropping hormones can cause benign heart palpitations or it can cause heart disease to speed up. I'd have a check up to give yourself some peace of mind.
teri76755 dora_39625
These are common symptoms. Def see a cardiologist to rule out anything else, but knowing your heart is healthy will help you take it in stride. Go easy on caffeine & alcohol. I agree with the magnesium recommendation too. I started taking 250mgs twice a day.
cyndi38349 dora_39625
Yes, I've had them off and on for the past 2 yrs. I had a full cardiac work up done. My heart is fine but yes the palpitations are annoying and can be scarey.
jennifer85442 dora_39625
Again... Yup! Boy I feel like I'm saying that a lot whenever someone asks if anyone else has experienced something. The fluttery heartbeat drives me nuts. It doesn't seem to be related to anything..sometimes I'm just sitting around and off it goes! Another weird symptom.
sn21848 dora_39625
When you get your heart checked make sure they do a carotid artery scan which is in your neck. It will give you a better idea if plaque is being laid. The stress tests won't show anything until it has hit a critical point.
dora_39625 sn21848
Thank you ladies. Feeling reassured!
I've actually had a few checks and been told that all is fine - ECG and echo test which showed a very slight leak in one of the valves. I've been informed that this is very common and normal and absolutely nothing to worry about. Naturally, it is a worry though..
I am definitely more aware of flutters and palpitations since perimenopause started And it comes on whenever.
Might have to try the magnesium.