Perimenopause and nerve pain?!?!

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I’m 40 and definitely believe I’m going through perimenopause (even when my gyn tells me I’m too young). My mother went through full menopause at 43.  

Anyway I started to get nerve pain in my legs in December (out of no were). It actually started as itching on the bottom of my feet (again came out of no were). It then moved up my shins and I have itching throughout and sometimes I feel like I have bee stings throughout my body.  I have had an mri from a neurologist and discovered I have some mild disc degenerative issues that “may cause” this in my lumbar and cervical area.   I have also been cleared of lymes, ms, lupus and so on.  I’m on maloxicam (prescription anti inflammatory) and I thinks it’s helped some but in my heart of hearts I feel like perimenopause could be the cause!?!? I should also mention I have itchy skin, some hair thinning, and night sweats especially right before my period.   I’m starting progesterone cream this month.    Hellllp the nerve pain isn’t awful every day but it’s definitly limiting my daily activity’s when it’s present.  

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5 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi Amy

    ​I have issues with my disc and back so I can relate to the nerve pain in the legs etc but you seem to be showing signs of early change. The itchy skins, hair thinning, sweats, all the signs that you have started the change. I found rest with the legs pain and no too much exercise. The hormones can also aggravate joint pain and aches so bare this in mind. Drink plenty of fluids and get the vitamins into you. Keep checking in here as a wonderful site to for sharing. This site also has 66 meno symptoms so check this out or search for it as very useful to know and arm yourself with. Hope this helps.CK

    • Posted

      Thank you so much CarolKelso!

      It’s been such a frustrating journey and going to alllllll of these doctors and no one has a real answer.  I’m not one to take medication to just “bandaid” symptoms. I just want to fix whatever is going on.  If anyone else can relate or have any encouragement I would truly appreciate it

    • Posted

      Hi! I can relate, we have the same age and almost the same symptoms. I feel that it is the hardest thing in my life...I am on hrt and it helps a lot but it takes time. You are not alone! smile
  • Posted

    Hi amy05647,

    Have you been screened for vitamin

    B-12 levels?

    I too started going through peri menopause and concurrently started experiencing nerve tingling in hands, legs and feet, fatigue, brain fog, etc.  Was convinced I had MS while waiting for an appointment with the head of neurology at Johns Hopkins.  After an MRI and a blood test that screens for things that may cause those symptoms, it turned out I was severely deficient in vitamin B-12 (somewhere between 100-150).  Dr. immediately started me on 1000 mcg of B-12 daily and symptoms went away very quickly, but since we can’t be sure how long I was deficient, there may be some neuropthy that is left over from that time...

    Hope this helps in some way.

  • Posted


    I have experience all symptoms but Saturday i went walking and i walk a lot and all of the sudden sharp pain in my ankles on the inside of the leg and I put arnica and ice and today i went to work and from the knee down on both legs I feel like cold and very mild tingly and I got my period Saturday too. Any one have this experience? I’m freakin out . 

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