Perimenopause and quivering feeling at night

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I'm wondering if anyone else gets the body quivering feeling at night. Especially when you're fighting to sleep.  Any suggestions on how to calm it down or anyone else dealing with this?

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7 Replies

  • Posted

    Yes, mine finally went away. It seems to be one of the main symptoms of menopause. Lots of ladies on here say they have it.
    • Posted

      I hate to say this but I didn't. I just noticed one day that they were gone. But this forum helped me realize I wasn't alone and I wasn't crazy.

  • Posted

    I am not sure if we are talking a bout the same quivering , but for some time i noticed that taking 2 Gelusil tablets helps with that, so it has to be gas/stomach acid related. Google Gelusil.
    • Posted

      I don't think it's gas related. I think it's more related to my anxiety. I've had trouble with my anxiety being worse when I'm not sleeping since I've developing insomnia from my anxiety and I freak out when I wake sometimes when I know I haven't slept long and afraid I won't go back to sleep. It's a never ending cycle but this quivering feeling is really bothersome and just want it to stop 

    • Posted

      Hi Dawn,

      I have been going through the same thing. I am exhausted from not sleeping well through the night. I wake up with a body rush and quivering, and then a minute or two later a feeling of warmth travels up my body and lasts ten minutes or so. Anxiety sets in and can't go back to sleep.

      The only thing that has helped me is listening to Michael Sealey on YouTube. He does all kinds of sleep hypnosis and sleep meditations. It does work most of the time.

      I hope you get some relief. This is a rough time for all of we women. (Sigh)

  • Posted

    Well, i have the same sleep anxiety and insomnia.  And I thought the quivering was anxiety related and let me tell you :it is. The vagus nerve in the stomach area is probably irritated by excess volumes of gas and it gives me quivering- the type of short vertigo in my head and quivering inside. I have tested  Gelusil and it worked every time for months. 2 tablets.  I would suggest you try it too. It helped me fall asleep easier in the past. Now I do not get the quivering anymore, but my sleep went down the drain. It seems that I entered another stage of peri, with more insomnia.

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