Perimenopause and weakness
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Hi ladies.. .
I've read so much on perimenopause and all the symptoms that women experience.
Weakness seems to be quite a common one.
Does anyone experience this and what does it feel like?
I think I get it, but it's an odd feeling. Goes all through the body and down to legs. I often describe it to friends as 'I just don't feel right' feeling and makes me feel light and almost not with it. I sometimes can't even move when I have it and just want to sit there or lay down and not speak. Almost kind of afraid that something bad is happening.
It really is odd.
Would love to hear other experiences.
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2blessed2bstressed dora_39625
That is one of the first symptoms I had. I actually wound up collapsing at work, my legs just buckled. Needless to say, I went to hospital and they did mri, mra, tons of blood work, all came back fine. Next we’re all the specialists, same thing, everything was fine. I knew I wasn’t losing my mind once I found this forum. I suffered with that weird weakness for a couple of years, almost feels like jelly legs and a weird sensation in the rest of your body. It gave me horrible anxiety. I wound up going to a naturopath. I was given an herbal concoction, not sure what was in it ( I didn’t want to google and not end up taking it), within a week I was back to normal. It has been 2years now and I am starting with some of that again, so I am going back to naturopath on Tuesday. Hope it works out like the time. Anyways, I hope things start getting better for you! I also hear that clary sage essential oil is supposed to help balance female hormones. I’m gonna give it a go over the weekend
dora_39625 2blessed2bstressed
Hi... Thanks for reply.
You've certainly been through it. Hope you're now.
My symptoms started about a year and a half ago. Bad anxiety and lots of other symptoms which I could actually handle. This is something else. I was washing my hair earlier and just didn't feel with it or quite right.
I would love to try something natural as you mentioned, in the hope it would work.
Do you know the name of tea you had?
I've never been to a naturopath so might have to look into it
2blessed2bstressed dora_39625
kelly55079 dora_39625
Yes!! I have had this.. very weak and tired.. Some weeks I feel 'alive' and with it and then others I'm mush. I make sure to take iron and vit D just in case.. This week I've been feeling like it as well. I just thought it was due to a heavy period and not so great weather. Hopefully, I will snap out of it soon!
dora_39625 kelly55079
I've noticed that the foggy weather we're having has made my head feel worse.
I actually bought some liquid Floradix today which is for fatigue and contains B vits and iron. Hopefully this might help.
gailannie dora_39625
the first time I noticed "weakness" in perimenopause, I was lifting grocery bag for my car. It was profound enough that I actually noticed how weak I was. I wasn't sick, but boy did I notice the difference in arm strength. It just wasn't me.
And sorry for the typos. Where's the edit button when you need it?????
dora_39625 gailannie
I've noticed weakness feeling even when I'm not doing anything. I could be sitting and not feeling quite right. Is this normal?
gailannie dora_39625
dora_39625 gailannie
Yep, that's how it makes me feel.
Totally overwhelming and floors me at times. I hate the fuzzy head/unsteadiness feeling, fatigue and weakness throughout the body - the worst feelings in the world!
Thanks for sharing your experiences and symptoms x
2blessed2bstressed dora_39625
Omg Dora! I am so feeling you right now! I have been having a very difficult week. The few years have been a roller coaster ride! The ups and downs suck! I am a nurse and work 12 hour shifts, the last 2 days have been horrible with the jelly legs, feeling like I’m gonna pass out here and there , headaches, etc... I am thinking I may have to go out on FMLA if this doesn’t get better and quick. I have been in tears wondering if this will ever end. I am feeling so defeated at the moment. How can I take care of my patients when I feel this way? It’s not fair to them. It is taking all of my energy just to keep my head above water right now😢. I went to my herb guy and started taking them yesterday, but then the symptoms got worse, now I’m not taking them as I’m not sure if it’s that or just a coincidence. Made an appointment with endocrinologist, which is the only specialist I haven’t seen yet. Hope things get better for you! I pray for all of us going through this.
dora_39625 2blessed2bstressed
Hi... it's frightening isn't it?!
I cannot believe that something called 'Perimenopause' is causing all this....
louise16695 gailannie
You are spot on! 👍👌
I can see that you too have researched this very well 😉
It's such horrible stuff. I feel for everybody going through this! 😦 I went to the top endocrinologist here in Australia and even she couldn't help me (because they don't really know what they're doing and blood tests aren't accurate enough for a diagnosis. I know more than they do!). Plus, being in the 'average/ok' range isn't good enough for everybody. We're not a one-size-fits-all! We need to be in the 'optimum' range.!
Louise x