Perimenopause - another symptom?
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Hi everyone,
I'm 41 and have so many symptoms of perimenopause, I think it started before I even knew what it was. I used to get a killer headache/migraine that would literally knock me sick, in the lead up to my period. I would also get night sweats, so bad that I'd wake up dripping wet and freezing cold. The smell was like vinegar (sorry). Both symptoms faded away and I thought no more of it.
I'm still get periods but they are sometimes lighter or heavier, longer or shorter! My symptoms aren't just there in the lead up to my period starting. My symptoms are:
random insomnia
night sweats
low mood
short tempered/snappy/quick to anger/irritable
wanting to be alone
urinating a lot
getting the runs/constipation
low sex drive (none existent really)
itchy skin mainly on an evening
breast pain/soreness/weird sensations
tingly hands when in bed
ringing ears
hair thinning
feeling like I'm losing control - this comes from nowhere and I feel like I'm going to die
headaches - they have now eased
lack of focus
forgetting what I'm doing
bleeding gums
dry down there!
More recent symptoms are weird lower rib pain, not really painful, more uncomfortable, also in breast bone, sharp pains in shoulder blades. This is NOT constant, comes and goes.
The symptom that is worrying me the most is hard to describe but I will try my best. So I get it when I'm exerted and bending over, like when hoovering stairs or weeding etc. It's like a pressure feeling near my breast bone, it knocks me sickly. Could this be like a reflux issue do you think? I've been weeding today and I get it when leaning forward. I've also noticed I get a similar uncomfortable feeling when lying on my right side, like a feeling of something stuck.
Any help would be so appreciated. This health anxiety is driving me NUTS.
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Is there anybody out there?
AJB34048 claire57329
Hi Claire,
You are definitely in peri and you are not alone. That sensation you have in your chest may be caused by acid reflux but doesn't really sound like it since you only feel it when actively bending, etc as you mentioned. I would recommend you talk to your doc as they will likely do a chest x-ray to rule out any issue. Does the feeling come with any breathing issues? Hormone imbalance does affect lungs. I had a funky cough for a few months and wheezing then it was gone in a flash. I have many of your symptoms but not all and it's insane how they come and go. I seem to have a symptom last about a month, then it's gone and another one takes its place. Totally nerve-racking and I think I've had them all so I just wonder..."What's next?". I only started having hot flashes and some insomnia when I was your age. I'm now 48 and started having more severe/noticeable symptoms at 45. I'm just managing the best I can, as I do not wish to have HRT, with diet, supplements, adequate sleep, meditation, exercise.
athena22807 claire57329
Hello claire57329,
I would like to share my thought on this. Whatever you mentioned above can be some symptoms of perimenopause. But as far as my knowledge is concerned, perimenopause is something which occurs at the onset of menopause. After which, women doesn't undergo menses.
Apart from these, there are many more symptoms associated with perimenopause.
If you seek help then you can directly contact some Fertility clinic. Doctors there will guide you properly as well as start with the treatment accordingly.
claire57329 athena22807
Thank you. I may have misunderstood your reply, so forgive me if I have. Do you not think I am in perimenopause, from what I have said in my post?
Katie19990 claire57329
Hi Claire,
To me it does sound like you have entered into the perimenopause stage of your life, maybe a little on the early side but nevertheless, sounds very much like you are experiencing numerous perimenopause symptoms.
I'm 47 and first noticed things changing around two years ago. I had a lot going on in my life and starting struggling with anxiety and a load of other minor things but when I put them all together after reading up on things I realised what was going on. I used to have very long cycles and all of a sudden they went to 28/29 days, very light, maybe heavy for 24-36 hours and thats it. I struggle with sleep, especially the week before I'm due on. I get really cold. I find my concentration is all over the place, I find myself snapping at little things. I went through a phase of itchy skin, mainly on my back. I get back pains. I have absolute 0% interest in sex. I am also being plagued by reflux. Have been on medication for it but its made no difference and now awaiting an endoscopy. Yes, health anxiety is massive and I can relate you what your saying. By all means go make an appointment to see your GP for some reassurances. I just wanted to reply to say you're not alone and read the various threads on here because I've had lots of reassurance reading about others experiencing similar things and that I am not going mad. Take care x