Perimenopause anxiety and heart symptoms with insomnia
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Hi everyone. I’m 48 years old and for the past couple of years I feel like my life has been turned upside down. I used to be a very good sleeper but have turned into a raging insomniac. If I fall asleep I wake up 2 to 3 hours later then I’m awake again for 2 hours then if I manage to get back to sleep it’s only for an hour or so and I wake with my heart racing and feeling like I can’t breathe and full of butterflies and dread for absolutely no reason whatsoever. My heart races all day and thuds with skipped beats. I’ve had ECGs and 24 hour ECG and various test and all is ok so I know it’s my age. I’m puffing and panting and totally exhausted. But the physical anxiety symptoms are overwhelming. Shaking and irritable and totally not myself at all. My periods used to be every 4 weeks but now are every 3 so that “week before” comes around far too quickly all the time. I also have hot sweats and burn ups both day and night. I just want it all to stop. I have clonazepam for when I feel like I’m going to go insane (I have Ehlers Danlos Syndrome so need that as a muscle relaxant and to help me deal with pain) ... I’m about to start Lyrica to see if helps with any of the symptoms and to calm me down. It would be good to connect with other ladies who are experiencing similar.
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maria76995 dizwap
dizwap, we all in the same boat on here what a Brady bunch Lol..I try keeping busy how ever I come look forward to my bed I'm like you don't sleep well either, but o know people came out on the other side so look forward to that day can't be far off..just need quality sleep to help I advise you stay calm keep busy as much as you and chin up, always remember we're not sick although it feels like it, TEMPORARY MENO
Sally4x dizwap
And more than anything, I am flat out exhausted. I feel so fatigued and foggy all the time.
You are not alone in this xx
Willow1992 Sally4x
I feel that way too. I sleep very well most nights but sometimes i still feel exhausted with a good long sleep. Keeping busy i agree is good but not to overdo things. Im 51. I was on HRT for 3 months and stppped it so im not sure if my periods have stopped yet. Does anyone know if things improve when you reach menopause??
maria76995 Willow1992
Hi willow, I'm hitting the 12 mark shortly I wonder if I would start to feel better or seems like some people do and some people don't different strokes for different folks I wish that when you hit Post menopause it would be over but hormones still seem to not settle down yet..we just have to wait and see girl HUGS xx
Willow1992 maria76995
sarahonadowner dizwap
Hi there
Youre in the right place...I sometimes wake up at various times in the night feeling anxious and panicky. Ive had heart palps and chest pains but after ECG's all normal Im told its anxiety.
I get shortness of breath sometimes too. Its awful and scares me.
Im 46 and have had symptoms for 6 years now. I wish I could see an end to it all in sight. Hugs to you x
maria76995 sarahonadowner
Hi I went through that very much,but it keeps changing I start experiencing a fright dropping off that stop it's now something trying to stop me from drifting off every time I try too, it's awful but I know it's hormones doing it to me what else..I have once also was once a woken by a my heart racing jump me out of sleep and run down stairs and call Ambulance few times it had happen but when I realize nothing is wrong with my heart I stop calling them but that is when I started Peri menopause, I always find menopause is like car changing gears Lol. If you are first starting off in Peri it will be bit worst but gets better with time Ok.
dizwap sarahonadowner