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Hello Mary, I am 46 and all the exact symptoms you are talking about started with me also, just like that, out of nowhere. I thought I was literally going out of my mind! In addition feelings of doom and gloom hopelessness anxiety heart palpitations waking me up every morning like clockwork and then awful overwhelming feeling of fear doom and gloom which lasted all day everyday. All this is due to peri menopause I believe. I still have periods but very irregular and sometimes missed just to start the next month and only spotting but can last all month! This is all too real and awful, it has almost been a year for me since all these symptoms started but I can honestly say I am much better than when it all started I take no hrt as they really are not good for our bodies. I just started praying harder to our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ and started focusing on me and my needs for once in my life and exercising. But one thing I want to tell you please also have your thyroid checked out because with me I believe all these changes with the peri menopause affected my thyroid and I am now taking MEDS for my hypothyroid. And hypothyroid mimics peri menopause in many symptoms. I know I am dealing with both and imagine that and what I'm going through. But you are not alone many of us women are going through these changes and feelings and believe me ladies we are going to get through this phase in life and we are going to be great!!! We are going to be re-born to live love and laugh once again!!! Believe with all your hearts and faith!!! 🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽😘??😘
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mary27278 olimari2013
Olimari thank you! I am so emotional today. You ladies are so wonderful ...i just had a friend of mine come by and she literally said I've never seen hormones do all of that, and told me I'm looking so thin. Then she tells me that its one thing to lose weight where it wont look bad but then when you lose and it makes you look bad. Can you believe she actually said this to me. I told her its not like im trying too. Of course i dont want to. I already feel bad about myself as it is.
Did your thyroid affect your weight?
I got thyroid checked on last month and was told they are a bit on the low side, in range but low. The endocrinologist sent me for blood work yesterday , they refuse to do it because I had an outstanding bill. So will take care of this Monday. I have tons of medical bills since going through peri.😌
olimari2013 mary27278
Mary, sorry about your friends comment that was a lil inconsiderate. Believe me a lot of people don't understand us and tell us to get over it. Lord forbid they go through what we are because only the strong can get through this without HRT"s. You know regarding my weight, I lost weight when all this began and I believe it was due to the intense anxiety which took my hunger away and I was constantly going to the restroom because of my uneasy stomach. My digestive system was also affected. After a couple of months with the onset of these symptoms I actually started gaining the dreadful weight and I am having a hell of a hard time trying to lose the extra pounds which is so common with all this perimenopause/menopause awfulness! Be strong Mary, hang in there take walks keep your mind busy exercise keep hydrated your going to be fine you are going to get through this just fine. I am going to keep you in my prayers sister. 🙏🏽??🙏🏽??🙏🏽
mary27278 olimari2013
Azzumi mary27278
Unfortunately with some women who sailed through peri they have zero understanding of the hell it can be. My sister being one of those. I'm 48 and had a huge struggle with my moods, depression, anger, anxiety etc and thought I could talk to my big sister who's 6 years older about it but she just shrugged me off. She didn't want to hear anything I had to say and told me she didn't have any problems except a tiny bit of weight gain.
Yes its extremely hard when others don't understand us.
olimari2013 Azzumi
Azzumi olimari2013
I wouldn't be where I am now without this forum and all the wonderful ladies on it. Whenever I'd convinced myself that I'd finally lost my mind I'd jump on and read and maybe post something. Posting I found very therapeutic. Just getting it out there, how I was feeling was a huge help.
Now that I'm feeling heaps better I'll continue to read and post as how do we learn if those who have success don't share it.
olimari2013 Azzumi