Perimenopause bleeding and clotting
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I am almost 54 years old. I had normal periods up until the last 2 years. I started having light periods, which I really didnt have a problem with. I then went over 4 months without a period, but had intermitent spotting. I didn't think anything of this. I kept reading it was normal. I am very healhty. I use alternative meds. I was feeling fine about this til about 3 weeks ago. I stepped out of my jeep and a gush occurred, and I ran to the bathroom. The next day the same thing happened. Then the bleeding got really heavy followed by clotting. I have been doing this on and off for 3 weeks. I really thought I was getting close to being done, now this. I am in NO pain, except for light tummy cramps. I use lavender essential oil for it. I am taking natural progesterone and red raspberry and some other hormone herbal supplements. I was curious if anyone is experiencing these symptoms and what you are doing about it? Thanks!
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gailannie lmceachern
Been there and done that. Usually the progestone helps with heavy bleeding and clots. But it sure sounds like you are getting to the end of this. Some of these heavy bleeds and lots of clots, without a period in 4 months, definately says your system is in tremendous flux and producing very little progesterone.
I know this is hard, but it sounds like you're getting to the end of it all. Once this stops, I bet you won't have another for quite a ling time, if ever. Mine spaced to once ever 6 months, then just stopped.
lmceachern gailannie
Thank you for responding. It is so hard to know what to expect. So many women describe the same thing and go to the Dr. only to spend a ton of money to tell them they are in the change. I am so ready to be done with this. I have a big retreat coming up that I am facilitating. I have considered depends. How humilitating is that? I don't see myself as old and this has been a big shot to my self esteem. I am also emotional on and off. I have noticed night sweats are better. This morning it seems that the bleeding has slowed way down. Let's hope this is it!!! Thank you for your response and encouragement!! It is so nice to know we are not alone in all this. <3
gailannie lmceachern
Sorry, I know this is hard, but trust me the menopasue part is no piece of cake either. The changes that come without hormones are horrid. Honestly, I be happy to trade place with you right now! Sounds silly I know because you are so frustrated. But as I woke this morning looking like an old worn out, dry hag, I'd do those horrid periods again in a heart beat.
I'm about ready to cry.
lmceachern gailannie
gailannie lmceachern
I've always taken vitamins. But this in menopause thing is kicking my butt. It changes your hair, skin, nails, sleep. I've gotten into that vaginal atrophy and dryness, painful sex, no libido, no orgasms. Sagging breasts, wrinkles everywhere. I feel as terrible as I look.
So trust me, be grateful for a period. At least you know your ovaries are producing some hormones. I never saw this coming.
deborah_37796 lmceachern
Hi, I've had very similar to you. I'm 57 on Bio identical gels and 7 progesterone tabs every other month. This is not working as last month I had the heaviest period of my life. Went to A&E as felt faint and weak. Since had scan - all good and hysteroscopy last week. Gyny removed polyp and said my best choice is the Mirena coil. I'll need to think about it before seeing her again soon. TBH I don't want the coil, the thought of any more daily discomfort is something I don't need. I thought I'd need a hysterectomy but she said they don't do it so much anymore. Like you I'm so over periods and what goes with it. Let's hope we can sort this soon, take care x
lmceachern deborah_37796
Deb, Thanks for sharing. I don't understand what is happening in my body. I stay on iron supplements and drink cholorophyl water which helps a lot. I just feel like a prisoner in my own home and body. I have not tried anything but herbs and progesterone cream. The coil sounds painful and to be honest any invasion is not welcome. However, the depends idea is not something that I look forward to either. i read somewhere about being anemic and you bleed more. I have read so much, my eyes are bugging out. I am glad for the info, to know i am not alone or crazy!!
maisie05 gailannie
gailannie maisie05
Thank you so much Maisle for your kind words. I have studied so much about hormones that I hope my understanding can help some other women.
I'm still trying and finding my way through HRT. Sometimes it just isn't easy. My energy levels and joy in life are certainly suffering right now. I know I need estrogen, but can't find a way to get it in that works and feels right. That's a big part of the problem right now.
Thanks again.
lmceachern gailannie
Are you sure that it isn't progesterone that you need?
DaisyDaze gailannie
Luckily, my husband has no sex drive either, so holding hands, snuggling, and laughing together has been keeping us close and content.
I can deal with the sagging breasts...good bras.
I feel for you with the sleep problem. My friend has horrible time getting to sleep and is forever tired. It is pure hell for her, and probably is for you. I hope you start feeling better.
maisie05 lmceachern
What is the red raspberry for if you don't mind me asking? Don't women take raspberry leaf to help the uterus contract in childbirth.
lmceachern maisie05