Perimenopause CRAZY Symptoms!
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About a year ago i was feeling really low, and was feeling really strange, i went to the docs and has handed anti-depressants, i felt like i was going crazy, little by little strange symptoms started to happen. Firstly headaches and a weird pressure feeling in the head and behind the eyes, my first thought was OMG I've got a brain tumor!
i had other weird symptoms starting all around the same time, dizzyness fatigue, weight gain, red face, hair loss, a buzzing sensation which feels like shivering but you cant see it, which is more noticeable at night, and lots more disturbing symptoms!
I really felt bad and felt alienated as no one could see what i was going through, i was at a loss. I kept going to the doctor and had blood tests for everything i was told, which came back with nothing, like usual i was told it was stress, (yes i was stressed because no one would believe my symptoms)
After that i started to get very depressed thinking i had a terrible illness that had been over looked, as i was just 43 i thought i was too young (as told by my doctor) for perimenopause.
Not long after this we moved down the road and i luckily could change my doctor, and thank god i did, i got a understanding doctor this time who listened to me she took in to mind all of my symptoms and sent me for blood tests, a week later i got my results.... I was perimenopausal.
I read somewhere on this site 66 symptoms of peri and i had nearly all of them! It just goes to show you if you get a second opinion you will get there in the end, my first doctor didn't test me for the one thing that was causing ALL of my symptoms, had they i wouldn't of had nearly a year of worrying myself crazy!
I think there should be more warning of menopause, a leaflet through the door when you hit 40 and not just of the basics but of all the symptoms, it would stop a lot of unneeded time, nhs money and stress on a subject we dont talk about, i mean its a lot worse than puberty and they teach you that!...also doctors should take you seriously if you think thats what it is instead of patting you on the head and giving you anti depressants!
I might have years to come of 'peri' but at least i know now what i have wrong, i have an appointment for HRT, i will keep you posted of what happens and the ups and downs of my journey...
look after yourselves and i hope this post helps you
12 likes, 15 replies
lisa95354 amandaharri
hi Amanda, that’s so unfortunate we have to go through so much till we finally get diagnosed correctly. I had the pressure in the eyes as well, I swear I had it for years. I think that’s the first time Ive heard someone else describe that. So thank you for including that:) So glad you finally got diagnosed. Have a good night !
amandaharri lisa95354
Hi Lisa thanks for your message, as horrible as the symptoms are, i am glad i am not the only one, the head pain can be quite scary, (especially if youre not one normally for head pain). have a look on here or on google for 66 peri symptoms you will see head pain on the list, occular migranes i experienced as well, (zig zaggy lines like a kaledescope, a wiggly line that expands across your whole vision), which came up around the time of my other symptoms...its so sad to hear that other women have suffered the same without help and support from the doctors that are supposed to be there to help, i hope that you feel better now, all the best Amanda
anxiousface lisa95354
hi Amanda & lisa
I so relieved to read your post about the pressure in your eyes as iv been having this for months now .
i had it on and off in peri from 2012 to 15 but it appears to have come back now im post meno. i feel as if my eyes are being twisted out my head and it makes me feel nauseas. iv done so many different things to help like changing my computer screen to anti glare, two sets of new glasses in one year, new lighting in my works office, eye drops etc and nothing changed the eye pressure .
does it make you feel a little dizzy and disorientated , i find when i go in big shops it gets worse or comes on. iv gots through most of the horrendous symptoms over the eight years but this one is back and it makes me anxious .
love a hope to all ❤
amandaharri anxiousface
Hi there, i had most of those symptoms too, i had two eye checks, two sets of new glasses, sinus checked and medication for those, ears checked (have tinitus also) had every check going apart from MRi scan..put it this way ive had so many blood checks that ive lost count, if it was somthing serious it would of shown up on that, luckily i get headaces rarely now...i have a weird vibration thing throughout my body, like shivering but not visable also, so googled it (big mistake) i started looking at MS, cancers etc etc....put it this way the only thing wrong with me is hormone levels, and headaces are on the list of peri-menopause / menopause almost sure thats what it is, go back to your doctor and get a second opinion or push for more tests. HRT Does that help?
i hope all goes well for you,
take care, amanda x
anxiousface amandaharri
hi amanda, thanks for your reply. iv already had more tests through the years than i can remember , i recently had a CT Scan to look at my sinuses and it came back clear, im having a hearing test in August ( i have pulsating tinitus ) and on Tuesday im having yet another blood test.
Funny you should mention the vibration thing as it stupidly looked on google and came up with MS.
YOUR RIGHT ITS ALL HORMONE LEVEL RELATED. im sick of all these hormone things, i want rid of them. x
sunaina1983 amandaharri
Hellooo dear
Thank u soooo much for this post
I feel for u.
You just describe me
me too suffering alot from last year
Heavyness in head
Off balance issues
Irregular periods
Eye pressure
Leg pain
list goes on and on.
and no one understand me neighther Dr nor family members and friends..
same like u my Dr told ur depressed and gave me sleeping pills and anti depressing tablets.
From last year me too having rounds of hospitals every month..did alot of test thank to God all come normal.
I am 39 year old .
Its nice ur Dr told ur in Peri gyn did FSH test and told me ur having PMS ..not Peri ..
But i have all symptoms of peri from long time.She told ur too young for peri .
She donot agree.
Thinking to change Dr now.
Ur post give me motivation that i am mot alone.
we all r suffering in this phase and no Dr understands
Tk friend
Hang is there
amandaharri sunaina1983
Thank you for your kind reply wouldnt wish this on anyone and everything you had i had and still have minus the headaces, I believe my doctor tested for somthing in my bloods that is an indication of peri, i think the test is called estrogen test, throid test and FSH test, i think my thyroid was tested to rule that out the key fir me was to know that i wasnt going mad, and my symptoms were not in my head and that a change was taking place, piece of mind was key for me, ..i think sometimes depending on your peri stage the FSH test might not show up if your at the beginning of it.
hope all goes well take care keep me posted.
amanda x
sunaina1983 amandaharri
Hi dear
my dr also did Thyroid test , sugar , cholestrol test and Ultrasound
FSH TEST doesnot show low harmones level.
Harmones level change everyday i read somewhere and not specifically tell that ur in peri or not .
Good Luck for ur journey dear.
Its difficult phase of life
Harsh truth is no body tell us early that this stage will also come in life..we heard about puberty and child birth one describe Menopause also part of womanhood .It comes like nightmare..u donot understand what suddenly going on..
It take almost 6 months to me to understand that its Menopause ..Dr donot have much info about this.
Hang is there
monna93589 amandaharri
my gp says you cant test for peri? what did your doctor do precisely? x
amandaharri monna93589
HI There she te sted my thyroid to rule that out, And a FSH Test which i guess shows hormone levels, i think a estrogen test too which came back as peri. i dont know all the ins and outs of that but it must of been low as recomended HRT. some doctors dont understand the symptoms or even understand the detrimental effects that this can cause it seems...i would go back because if your at the early stages of peri sometimes the FSH doesnt show up (accoding to other medical websites i have rea d) i am not a medical person by any streetch of the imagination i can only tell you whats happened to me! i hope this helps take care, Amanda x
lisa95354 monna93589
Hey Monna & other ladies, my pharmacist is a genius and he said the reason some of these doctors say they can’t test for perimenopause is because they literally do not know what they’re talking about. He told me when you’re in Peri the best time to test it is after ovulating, so he said day 19,20, 21, 22. He said theres a follicular test, which would be when you’re ovulating , and the other word he used was liniar, I know that’s spelled wrong, I couldn’t understand him because we had a bad connection. You don’t want to do the follicular test because that’s not a good measure of the true level of hormones during Peri. He said to do it after ovulation within those days, I just said. so if you ovulate say on the 14th of the month then you would want to do the test on the 19th, 20th, 21st, 22nd. my nurse practitioner at my GYN said that it’s pointless to do a hormone test until you’ve actually not had a period for 12 months, post meno. So even she didn’t know what she was talking about. my pharmacist said she had no business saying that because you know you’re in Meno when you haven’t had a period for 12 months !! so frustrating ! so I believed her and was in Peri for years and didn’t have my hormones tested, I should’ve talk to my pharmacist ! and she’s the same one that wanted to put me on an antidepressant for perimenopause ...GRRR hope you’re all having a good day 😉
amandaharri lisa95354
Hi Lisa i think you have summed it up, some doctors dont have a clue, my old doctor didnt! luckily i moved to a new one and shes fantastic, tested my hormones etc, i think every woman should get a second opinion if they are getting nowhere, the doctors can test for it mine did (even if they say they cant) i think some doctors think that we should just get on with it, its not an illness....a misconception it CAN make you feel really ill, mine does and has and i think some doctors really need to realise this and take all the symptoms on board.....take care for now x
monna93589 amandaharri
Definitely PLEASE let us know how it all goes x
amandaharri monna93589
Hi and thankyou i will keep you updated, hope it all goes well for all of us.
Thought id give you update!
Although the headaces have gone, i have gained new symptoms that i find hard to live with!
One is bloat, not just a little but a lot so much so that i look like i am 6 months pregnant it looks terrible and is so uncomfortable, stomach ace that goes with it and feeling nausous , along with metalic taste in mouth, i still have (without breaks) the tremors shivering buzzing sensation that feels worse at night, frequent urination, feeling full in the bladder, and urine changes, been treated for UTI, even though it isnt that, i feel absolutely knackered all the time, and ive had about enough of this and trips to the damn doctor, and its only peri, not even meno yet, my husband must be getting also fed up with me not being my happy self and instead a gibbering wreck loll! I know these symptoms are also on the 66 list, anyone else experienced stomach/urine problems, thank god for the 66 list!