Perimenopause hell
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Well i wasnt prepared for peri when it hit me, i mean who is, there is already a thread on symptoms but i want to start a new one, mine are...
Severe anxiety
Health anxiety
Increase in digestive issues
Increase in allergies
vaginal atrophy
Tingling extremities
Burning feet
lack of libido
Hair loss
Vibrations ........The list goes on...
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edith99275 sharon17178
Hi, hun
You not alone I have the stomach issues everything I eat I get bloating or a funny feeling it seen like trap gas that won't go away. I am alway running to the restroom doing numbet one not two, hair thinning my weight is a mess I am losing weight , my appetite goes and come can't eat late I have to eat breakfast and lunch. Some I can eat a third time around about three clock. I didn't know menopause does this, this is bad for us women we have to take all of this and having kids this is to much. I though it was just hot flashes but it's more I have a burning feeling in my left side and I am stiffness on that same side.
we have to hang in there and pray that god see us throught.
Bella1973 edith99275
Hi Edith,
I too along with so many other symptoms have just started all the constipation issues and digestive issues. Gurgling stomach, no appetite lump in throat.
My mother keeps telling me she has never heard of menopause causing digestive issues etc but these forums beg to differ.
Along with all the other issues i have found this one to be the worst so far.
Hang in there - you are not alone and i feel your frustration and pain ):
christie32531 Bella1973
Same here with the digestive issues. I have never ever had constipation and then all of a sudden I am so constipated. I ended up in emergency.
I have racked my brain trying to work out what us wrong with me since all my tests have been fine.
Waiting on a colonoscopy but everything is changing so I really do believe its this change .
sandeep08592 christie32531
do you suffer from gastric issues I.e. acid reflux, bloating, gas? I had a bowel cancer test all clear.
I kept on getting constipated now I'm regular since taking detox debloat.
But I get pain on right handside ultrasound was clear apart from gallbladder has a small polyp same size as 3 years ago.
Not sure what the righthandside pain is. It feel sore my colon.
christie32531 sandeep08592
Hi, yes i have all these issues, even the pain on the right side of stomach area. I take manuka for the reflux and it helps a bit. I also have pain inside rectum but think the constipation has caused maybe a internal hemmoroid to flare or it pushes against my tailbone and causes pain. The worst for me is this constipation.
I used to be able to eat what I want and now am so scared to eat much.
sandeep08592 christie32531
hi Christie thanks for your reply. My right handside pain is getting me down. it's come from now where......thinking of asking the dr for a colonscopy?
Ultrasound was clear apart from small polyp on gallbladder which hasn't changed for 3 years
Also my liver has a tough texture which hasn't changed
bowel cancer test was clear
sandeep08592 christie32531
I take detox debloat JS health. Its amazing and after a year of constipation it's working!try take 1 a day
sandeep08592 sharon17178
me too I'm so constipated
Bella1973 sandeep08592
Hi Sandeep
If you don't mind me asking , how long to your constipation bouts last?. Mind are sometimes 4 to 5 days with no luck of passing
sandeep08592 Bella1973
mines is the same but when I do pass its constipated and straining! As I'm desperate for bowel movement. I've been taking aloe vera juice and it's helped with me now passing but I do get 2 days of not passing. Its so stressful. Some weeks I'm regular then it's starts again!
Bella1973 sharon17178
Hi Sharon, I feel your pain
I am 48 years old and are now going 5 months no period. My issues started December last year where i had a racing heart, palpitations,shaky and thought i was having a heart attack. Was raced to A&E. ECG done etc - bloods all fine - put down to a panic attack. I have had 3 of these episodes in the last 4 months and all time put down to panic attacks.
I have had bloods done every month for the last 4 months and all clear, Have had chest xrays - all fine. The only oddity in bloods was in the hormone tests where my FSH levels were off the charts.
Apart from the panic attacks i am also having the below
Severe Constipation - ( just come on over last 2 weeks)
Digestive issues - extremely dry lips and mouth
Lump in throat some days and have troubling swallowing
Like Edith i feel like i am always running to the toilet but only to pee
Nausea ( over the last week) - I have started on Ginger tea after seeing a few woman have suggested that on the forum. It seems to have helped a bit
Hair Loss
Dry and cracked soles of feet
Insomnia - driving me crazy not being able to get to sleep and when i finally get to sleep i find i am waking up at all hours of the night
No appetite
Aches and pains( necks and shoulders are the worst causing such bad tension headaches)
And the list seems to go on and get added to each week with a new symptom.
I feel like i am going insane, From someone who was generally healthy up until December last year to having all these issues.
I have stopped googling as every symptom seems to leads to some sort of cancer and it sends my anxiety through the roof
I am glad to have found this forum and have found i am not alone and other woman are having similar experiences to myself
I am on no medication to date by but have a doctors appointment next week to talk about options.
Hang in there !!!!!!!!! you are definately not alone 😃
edith99275 Bella1973
hi, hun
hun, are you weight losing for not having and appetite do you feel like you have trap gas. are you having any burning sensation I do I have and my left I am having so many symptoms.
Bella1973 edith99275
A friend just mentioned to me i looked like i had lost a bit of weight. Which would make sense and i have barely eaten over the last few weeks
I told the doctors at the hospital on Tuesday about my constipation and stomach issues etc, to which they did not seem fazed and told me to follow up with my local GP for any woman/hormonal issues. I was prescribed some laxatives on Thursday as doctor seemed to think once i cleared out my stomach it may stop some of the nausea... I only took the laxative yesterday so am waiting to pass. Once i have i will let you know if i feel any better.
I have burning upper abdomen , a lot of gurgling and no appetite, Its driving me insane at the moment
I also have an appointment next week to discuss HRT or any other supplements that may help
I will let you know how i go
The ginger and lemon tea seems to be helping with the nausea and i am drinking plenty of water
edith99275 Bella1973
hi, huny
yes, please let me know I am seen my doctor today about the stomach issues I am going to ask for and upper GI test to be done. I'll let you know all these crazy symptoms it's really driving me crazy. I eat twice out of a day can't eat late because if I do I'll be gasses up gotta watch what I eat I drink plenty of water.
Bella1973 edith99275
Hi Edith, Just checking in to see how you went with your Doctors visit?
Hope your feeling better !!!!
edith99275 Bella1973
hi, hun
all my tests went well, I don't understand that menopause make your levels goes up any level in your body BP.