Perimenopause - hysterectomy help!
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Hi ladies.
I am 33 and have dealt with anxiety and some OCD since giving birth to my daughter. It had progressed so bad that i went to the doc and they put me on Lexapro. Needless to say after 7 years of that, it made me WAY WORSE and my husband left and I was violent, so I came off of them after weening down for 2 years. So. I had it under control for the longest time. I would still have some intrusive obsessive thoughts, but it was manageable. My mom, who was my rock and my "person", passed away a year ago and i was doing good until June. We went on vacation and when i came home, i was a completely different person. I was extremely weepy, nauseas upon waking, hopeless, depressed, feelings that i wanted to just die, and my periods were wonky and heavy and then short and then my sex drive PLUMMETED, which is NOT ME. I joke that i am a 14 year old boy going through puberty, its that high. Now, i'm just disinterested. And this just in, sex.... hurts. Hurts?! Like, what happened? I am usually very outgoing and need to stay busy (anxiety) but here lately simple tasks feel overwhelming. I was sitting at work and then all of a sudden i felt like I could scream, and then the fear of losing control and hurting myself popped in my brain, which caused me to panic, and i about lost my case. I had to go into the bathroom and cry just to relieve some of the pent up feelings. It was terrifying.
Please tell me i'm normal! I've had intense panels of auto-immune diseases checked and all negative. I went for an ultrasound and i have a cyst on both ovaries and some polyp on my enodmetrium. I am having a DNC and a biopsy on that soon. I just want it all out. I want to have a hysterectomy, but i fear that will wreak havoc on my mental health. Others say they would do a hyster all over again. I honestly think i'm just SUPER sensitive to hormones. Birth control almost sent me to a looney bin, and i tried 5 diff kinds. So, I think that maybe I just DON'T NEED HORMONES. LOL
I have tried a homeopathic doctor, i've tried birth control, i've tried diet, exercise, i eat better than anyone i know, i don't eat sugar, hardly any dairy, no gluten, i drink only water or carbonated water.
Like, bye bye hormones.
any help would be appreciated. Anyone who may be going through the same thing, tips, tricks, reassurance i'm not crazy.
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Guest kuppy1234
Oh Kuppy...welcome! You’re in the right place. No, your not crazy. The “scary thoughts” you are having are just thoughts manifested from anxiety...nothing more. Our minds are very sensitive and powerful. Your hormones are going crazy, causing anxiety, therefore your mind is playing tricks on you. I’m on Lexapro now, only 9th week though. This forum is very helpful, it’s been my savior. Your not alone. I’m so sorry about your mother🙏
kuppy1234 Guest
THANK YOU LOU. Yeah, i tried lexapro, and it helped for awhile but made me numb. And it made me violent and kind of a slut. (excuse my french) My husband said i wasn't the same and he left. Luckily, he came home and i decided not to be on it any longer. Boy, that was a battle. But its been better. And i really thought i was ok after my moms death, and i really was, but then BAM! All of a sudden, i was crazy and anxious, and a wreck. Its scary. My Gyno said we could try Lupron, BUT i'm EXTREMELY sensitive to medication. Even ibuprofen. And i have heard terrible things about lupron. Thankful to find this forum.
mee16031 kuppy1234
kuppy1234 mee16031
evi75119 kuppy1234
I am 32 years old and I am already perimenopausal....
I have awful symptoms of low you said painful joints , aggressiveness along with depression...everything emotional and physical symptoms of estrogen deficiency. all th elist
You are right that medications worsen our moods and violent behavior...
I have also a cyst on my right ovary that has to be removed.
Birth control pill may lower even more your low levels of estrogen and that s why you felt worse on them in my opinion.
Are you still menstriating every month?
we are too young suffering like this
p.s in the past I have read another poor woman suffering from hormones and during pregnancy she was feeling great
kuppy1234 evi75119
We are too young! It’s craziness! When I was pregnant I was ok. Yes I’m still having a period. I have a cyst on each ovary but doc said it’s normal. I’m having a D&C to remove a polyp found in my uterus next week. If any ladies wanna email me y’all can! It’s nice to talk to others!
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