Perimenopause irritation and burning
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Has anyone else experienced this? I have some slight vaginal irritation and slight burning that has only started since this wonderful, fun-filled journey You ladies have helped me so much during this and anytime I have a flush of health anxiety (my worst symptom by far) reading posts from y'all are a life saver!!
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Eliaimee1970 klm1213
I’m glad you mention this because I went to my doctor because I have some itching , burning in my vaginal area only on the outside 3 weeks into it. I though it was BV or Yeast but the first week I went to the store and I got anti fungal and one week past and went to the doctor and she didn’t do an exam I told her it was on the outside and no discharge so she gave me the one pill for yeast and probiotics and today I still itching so I went today she check me and said was dryness and she didn’t saw no discharge! So I went to the store and got some vaginal mosturiZer and see what happens it is annoying. She said is hormonal. I hope this help you and anyone and i love to know if more women going thru this. Hope we get better
paisleygirl klm1213
Eliaimee1970 paisleygirl
Guest paisleygirl
vicky36055 klm1213
I'm with you on the health anxiety it's my worst symptom too. I thought I was going crazy before understanding it was a symptom of perimenopause I can waste entire days worrying about every pain or niggle I hate it. your not alone x
debbie12340 vicky36055
I’m the same as you ! I have anxiety overdrive from this damn Meno crap ! I too have had slight irritation and burning going to the loo for the past 2 weeks ? Took a sample to be tested for a water infection, they said no but shows slight inflammation ??? Whatever that means ? But have spent all weekend worried about it . . . Someone on the Menopause site on Facebook said maybe it’s Vagianl Atrophy which has made me panic because I do t want that xx Deb xx
Mamaw08 klm1213
I get the exact same thing. It drives me crazy, but mine is a prickly itchy sensation. I just finished a super long bleed that lasted from Nov until a week ago, now I have this irritation to deal seems our struggles never end. I'm considering trying maca supplements to see if it will balance me out
debbie12340 klm1213
Yes I have ! I’m currently panicking over what it might be ? Have you had any slight tummy ache and dragging sensation with it ?
Deb xxx
klm1213 debbie12340
debbie12340 klm1213
amanda59745 klm1213
Guest klm1213
Interesting about the coconut oil.
DearDoe klm1213
jen78653 DearDoe
I saw your reply and it is exactly what I am dealing with now. Right after my period (which is now my ovulation week since my periods are so short), I have vaginal burning. I am going to try vitamin E suppositories to see if that help. Is your burning internal, external or both? It has to be hormonal as it isn't as bad other days of the month.
Rg4673 klm1213
Hi klm1213
I have just started this symptom about 4 months ago. But I have along with it much more discharge than normal and I get swollen down there. Doctor says everything is fine 🤔 But how can that be. I soak in Espom salt and ever few days I do a salt water rinse. It does help alittle. Anyone else get the swollen labia and vulva thing? This also makes my anxiety sky high ??