Perimenopause is all this normal... feel like a hypocondriac
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Hi, i am looking for advice and help.... is this normal to feel like this... I had a partial Hysterectomy 2 years ago i am 44, sine then have had nothing but problems, might as well move in to drs surgery as is like a second home to me... i have weird head feelin like light head like i am gonna fall over but never do, chest burning but, ECG Bloods, 24 hr halter monitor and treadmill test all clear. i feel tearful and moody all the time... am not myself anymore, tried hrt but suffered migraines, dont sleep as awake on and off, then tired during day, slight hot flushes but getting worse. weight gain, if i was an animal i would have been put down by now. please tell me it gets easier .... hopefullll steph xx
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annieschaefer stephy102010
I did have some issues that presented like cardiac issues last year. Had them checked out like you and got the all clear.
For the moody and tearful.......well.......I've been to several docs, one Naturopath and now moving on to Integrative MD as I did find out along with incredibly low progesterone levels, I have hypothyroidism........which is common and can create those feelings you mention. So I am hoping with possibly correcting that, it may clear up my low feelings and weight gain. If I believe in quality of life, not quanity, so hopefully I can stick with the progesterone cream alone and meds for thyroid. If I need a more solid form of be I know how frustrating it can be to not feel like yourself anymore. But that is a long shot and I'm hopeful with the combined work of the docs/naturopath, we'll get this sorted out one way or another. And yes it does get easier. I'm much better than I was last year, believe me.
You just have to see what works for you as we are all different. Some sail right through this and then there are us who all have some difficulty. You have come to the right place to gain information that will help you.
Hoping your journey through this is time will become less taxing quickly Steph!
Annie xx
stephy102010 annieschaefer
lol64 stephy102010
stephy102010 lol64
lol64 stephy102010
mel64317 stephy102010
My best buddy had an HRT implant in her navel after having this and was fine....but sometimes you have to try a few to get it right,,
Can only tell you...I took HRT for 8 years when I also thought I was losing my mind and had become a real whinge....earache / finger ache.....and the MOODS !! I'm in my 60s now and FINE...
Keep a diary of symptoms and feelings, great to show partners, doctors and helps you monitor your own behaviour and reactions to preparations and any Meds...
annieschaefer mel64317
When you took the HRTs did you feel better? and if so, when you came off them did you suffer any ill feelings?
Annie xx
mel64317 annieschaefer
What I did was "wean" myself off....there's no time frame, just you monitoring yourself and how you feel....
Took me about a year....went from 1mg tablet, to .a 50mg patch ( so only taken in through the skin) then eventually cut the patches in half....and then off..
But if I felt the symptoms returning too badly....I just stayed at whatever level I was at for another while...then dropped it down again...and like that.
I can truly say.....that although the warming up at nite is still with me ! But nothing like the hot flushes I used to have....I'm fine....No joint aches or depression and no moods ! That was SO not me !!!!
But you often do have to test a couple of HRTs to find one that fits you..I was lucky ,the first one totally worked...
And Amen to keeping a diary !!😄 SO helpful for partners to see what you're going through....and telling a doctor too...
good luck honey.. 💕 xx
annieschaefer mel64317
That is very encouraging to hear. My godmother also used HRTs and can't understand what I am going through as she did not suffer any ill feelings and when she came off of them in her 60's, she was fine as well. She is now 87.
It's always an option in the back of my mind as I believe it's all about quality of life versus quanity these days!
Much appreciated Mel
💕 Annie xx
mel64317 annieschaefer
We are all so individual, and medicine has advanced SO much, we girls don't have to feel like hell any more at that particular time of our lives,
As you is ALL about quality of life....
My very best to you.
Mel 💕