Perimenopause just one big pain!!?
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Hi all- so I’ve been following this board for about a year now and I’m so thankful I found. It’s been a great resource and a calming factor for me in the mist of all this craziness. But honestly it’s just awful..the anxiety, emotions, physical any of you ladies just feel it’s like one big rotation of aches and pains? For example, for maybe a week my back and shoulder will have sharp twinges, then my stomach has pain, then my neck and head, then my joints, then monthly just seems never ending!! None of it is particularly debilitating, however the anxiety gets so bad sometimes that I can barely function. It worries me to the point where I’ve made a couple of doctors appointments, but then honestly cancel them the day before because I feel “okay”...That would just be a waste of time to go there and say, “oh yes my shoulder aches today, oh my stomach hurts, oh my neck really hurts, having some bathroom issues, why am I so sad?”...I’m 46, still get my monthly, but definitely in I “okay” or should i try to get some answers..Last year when all this craziness started, I did go to my primary doctor and he just put me on Lexapro and it was absolutely horrible. I felt so ill I couldn’t get off the couch for the three weeks that I was on it, so I discontinue that and tried working and staying hydrated and trying to get out a little bit more often. It helps a bit but sometimes my brain takes over and i think I’m dying. Any advice, encouragement or venting about your woes is welcome. Take care all! 😊
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dora_39625 amy341731
Hi Amy.
I'm 42 years old and been experiencing premenopausal symptoms for about a year now.
I had absolutely no idea what it was at the time but actually all the symptoms I'm experiencing point to perimenopause.
One female doctor confirmed this but from experience i've found that the male docs aren't as interested. They basically believe if you're still having regular periods it's not the menopause!
I to experience different aches and pains and think it's all to do with this process.
Stay positive, and stay strong.
Hope this helps,
Dora x
amy341731 dora_39625
Hi there- yes it’s true, Drs have no idea what to do! It’s very frustrating and depressing to go thorough this. I know it’s all normal but it just feels awful . Very achey today and overwhelmed with holiday stuff to do and buy😧you take care also and thank you for your support!
kelly55079 amy341731
I totally agree... last night I woke at 3 am with anxiety!! Too much is going on now.. And this anxiety comes in spurts.. worries and then nervous about stuff.. I'm married with kids BUT I feel like I need someone here for me for comfort.. I do swim and do a water fitness class that helps a great deal but I'm not a mermaid so I need to figure out what to do when I feel stressed. UGH I used to be just so calm and relaxed not not let anything bother me. What is going on?
amy341731 kelly55079
kelly55079 amy341731
I think I'll feel so much better after X-mas.. Isn't that sad?? What movie did you go see? I wanted to see Wonder with my boys but they weren't interested so I just dropped them off to see starwars.. At least they are watching it together-- brother bonding!! : )
amy341731 kelly55079
That’s a lot of exclamation points i used there😆 having that kind of day lol
Willow1992 amy341731
amy341731 Willow1992
2chr2015 amy341731
Hi Amy. Yes I too feel very much the same. If it's not one symptom it's another. Right now it's my throat. I have no clue if this is peri related at all. Doc put me on antibx bc I was having ear pain too. Ear pain is better, but everytime I eat something temperature hot I have this one area in my throat that is being bothered by it. Never had anything like this before. I don't know if we have tissue changes in our theoat that causes stuff like this or not. Anyways, I am venting here! Trying to stay positive. Have to self talk myself through almost everyday. Stiff neck everyday...super tense in my shoulders, neck, jaw etc. I just feel like I can't get a break sometimes! I am 45 and still have monthly period, but it is irregular. I also have gallbladder issues which I am trying to control with my diet right now. I too am thankful for this forum. ((Hugs))
Willow1992 2chr2015
2chr2015 Willow1992
Thanks willow. I'm beginning to wonder if my throat problem is related to reflux? It's been going on for a while now.
maria76995 2chr2015
Hi 2chr, I wondering if you got the same problem I got at the moment I have a throat problem myself..and I get pain in my ear as well I do have a dry mouth though so don't know if that is connected with it..I went to my Dr and she gave me mouth spray but the taste is nasty but help a bit...yes I agree with this self talk helps you bit through it
amy341731 2chr2015
kelly55079 2chr2015
I have the neck/shoulder issue now.. I think it's due to stress. Right now I have this 'thing' around my neck that helps. I warm it in the microwave and it helps with tension. I also see a acupuncturist for this area
maria76995 amy341731
Hi Amy, I have the same problem as you dry throat and swollen glands I had a check from my dentist and they say they are slightly in large..I'm here thinking something wrong... Thanks for mention your symptom,can you message me I will let you know what you can take for sleep that helps ok.
2chr2015 maria76995
Hi Maria. Is the mouth spray for the dry mouth? Are you going to go back about the ear pain? Let me know if you do and what you find out. I may call tomorrow and see if she can recommend something else for me to try. I will let you know what she says if I do. Right now all I can eat is soft foods so I don't irritate it more.
2chr2015 amy341731
2chr2015 kelly55079
maria76995 2chr2015
Hi 2chr, the spray taste nasty but I still use it about time it goes away and leave me alone,the chewing gum causing loads air in my stomach and don't want to be sucking sweets for it,it gives you funny taste in your mouth depending how bad you have it..I have a friend that seems to now feeling herself again after 3 years in Post and I think lucky her,I'm about to start Post and scared of what it will throw at me after 8 years of this bad your mouth on a morning it's so dry until I drink to ease it,yes let me know please.
maria76995 2chr2015
2chr2015 maria76995
Hey. I don't have dry mouth in the morning. Just this ear and throat stuff. Right now it just feels like I have fluid in there and it crackles when I swallow. My throat isn't sore this morning, but my ear and jaw feel funny. Something is definitely going on and I do not want to go to the doctor! Lol
maria76995 2chr2015
Hi your like me something going throat feel funny at the bottom but I'm swilling ok so far, I don't go to the dr with everything but I wish it would let go my mouth and leave my saliva glands alone..all of a sudden I feel bit sickly I hate that feeling but I'm going to find something to suck like suger ears use to itch and another time a ticking another time wooshing sound, inside my jaws dry but that's the dry long have you been going through it.