Perimenopause-Night sweats without day time hot flashes-worried???
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I am past 50 and still getting monthly periods. Every night now for the past 3 weeks I've been waking up about 2 hours after falling asleep with night sweats that slightly dampen my bed. My heart feels like it's racing and I have trouble falling back asleep. I assume this is perimenopause except I never have hot flashes during the day. I thought they go hand in hand. During the day I have anxiety and moodiness.
I read here that people get them but not every night like me, which worries me.
Does anyone here experience just night sweats every night but no daytime hot flashes?
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jayneejay wantoknow
i started with night sweats age 40 .. Didnt get flushes for a while after ..
i am age 50 now and 20 months post meno
this may help i send a link
jay x
jayneejay wantoknow
scroll down abit to see them all
Scampi18 wantoknow
everyone is different with the symptoms they get, for two weeks I get very bad sweating where I have to change my pjs can't sleep naked because after the sweats I freeze a cold I have never had before right to the bone teeth chattering, I believe this is also normal, husband says its like sleeping with a corpse, lethegy is awful so tired some days were I sleep all day, weight gain/loss, memory loss, anxiety, depression, joints feel like I have been kicked by a horse, hair loss and gained in places you don't want it.
type in Google symptoms of menopause, there are loads of symptoms.
dont worry it's different for everyone, as probably hundreds of women will tell you.
I also got thyroid troubles when started with menopause. 😊
annieschaefer wantoknow
That was me almost 10 years started that way, then subsided. You'll find the symptoms have absolutely no rhyme or reason at times. I believe in the past 10 years (I'm 56 now) I may have had 10 actual hotflashes, the most being about a year ago and way more night sweats.
I can sleep through the night sweats at this point, crazy as it sounds. I only know this because sometimes my husband will wake up during the night and notice me kicking covers off in my sleep, drenched. I'm trying to think of my last hot flash (haven't had a period since this past December) and I believe it's been some time. Don't miss them!
Wishing you the quickest journey through this time!
Annie xx
jennifer01077 wantoknow
mkbshep wantoknow
lena53512 wantoknow
boughmatte88325 wantoknow
Iam 56years old i was Still having my. The last time I have it it was in November and for the past 2 weeks I've been having night sweats every hour I wake up trench in sweat Is there anything I can do about it