Perimenopause or Acid Reflux
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Im new to forum activity but hope to find advice from women who may have had the same symptoms as me and have had a diagnosis.
in January of this year I started getting a mild discomfort under by left rib that i ignored till March when it started getting more uncomfortable. Dr advised acid reflux and I started on omeprazole then lansoprazole. The discomfort did not ease and I noticed an increasing sore throat ( doesn't hury when swallow or eat ) . Dr changed me to Zantac still insisting it was probably acid reflux and referred me for Endoscopy after insistence from my part.after been asked numerous questions about toilet habits I took note of my monthly cycle and realised id had my monthly after three weeks then another two weeks later. I started getting mild back ache too and now wonder if the stomachs discomfort is actually a side effect of a gynaecology issue. I've read on here abou perimenopause and wonder if this could be what is happening to me?
im 41 and my mother and grandmother entered menopause at. 44?
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brendababy jt1974
Try not to worry about the symtoms and they may subside. I ended up with gastritis a couple of years ago due to worrying & stressing and this is very difficult to heal.
Keep posting and we'll help you when we can.
Take care x
jennifer01077 jt1974
I think yes, it is to do with perimenopause. I had the same symptoms, bad pain upper left stomach. I thought it was my heart! But it was gas . . . I really had to start to manage how I ate and what I ate. I avoid acidic food, fatty food - I think I have gotten so used to it, I really know what will set it off. Not too much food, not too little food. An empty stomach is acidic, so eat a little bread or crackers when you get up. I only eat cooked vegetables at night, or when I am in a hurry. Raw vegetables are a little hard to digest.
And brendababy is so right, it's not just that your stomach is getting sensitive, your nerves are also getting sensitive. So relaxing is so important, especially with your stomach (some people call the stomach the second brain). I learned a lot about conscious relaxation and deep breathing. And I never watch crime dramas anymore! I just watch comedy at night.
Of course it's great that your doctors keep an eye on your symptoms, but most of this is not dangerous, so don't worry. Just try to manage everything as it comes up, and really prioritize your health right now, especially your mental health. Relax! Enjoy!
Best wishes,
emmylee0204 jennifer01077
I love your advise. I started to feeling some symptoms last year and was truly scared. I read alot about perimenopause and other diseases...guess i am on peri. I told myself i cant go being like this...scared, stressed, etc. So i tried helping myself by eating right, a little exercise, pray alot, sun in the morning, avoiding stressing movies, etc . My stomach acid lessen and i feel alot better now, compare last yr.
sharcerv52408 jt1974
What I have noticed is that sometimes you have to go through a few heartburn meds before you find the ones that work for you. I do notice that the heartburn tends to flare up more around that time of the month and if im more stressed that can trigger a flare up.
It is a relief to know that I'm not the only one.
Take care. Hope you are feeling better soon!
pinkcatfairy jt1974
Thanks for your replies.
Yes I have been very anxious and lost half a stone quickly which I hoped may be the reason for the more frequent period's. I'm also having period pain which I also don't usually have.
I should have said I had the camera yesterday and he found nothing ! Told me he didn't think it was acid at all but didn't know what it was ?
Rae45 jt1974
pinkcatfairy Rae45
sharcerv52408 jt1974
I heard one lady on this forum say that once she had a hysterectomy, her heartburn subsided. So it is peri related. I also have fibroids. I don't know if they trigger reflux but who knows. Our bodies are so complicated.
susan21149 jt1974
Don't worry if your mom and grandmother got it at 44 then you could to.
It will get better Hope you feel better
chrissie67964 jt1974
I am back to the Dr on Tuesday, still undecided.
Any thoughts?
middlemuddle jt1974
My reflux has been better the last couple of days but my tummy is so bloated I look 6 months pregnant. Hoping my wayward period turns up soon.
susan21149 jt1974
I have been diagnoised with acid reflux in 2003, but lately due to mine i have been having palpitations more anxieties, stomach issues using a c-pap for sleep apnea does not help i have lost weight i am on famotidine pepcid twice a day have been belching a lot and having gas.
Have to sleep up in bed by proping my pillows against a big stuffed dog
PEPCID has been helping get the gas out. Was in the ER last Friday night the nurse asked if i had COPD i said no because i don't smoke he said it sounded like i had it with the way i was breathing than i thought this has to be due to acid reflux in my chest and throat causing me to sound like i had COPD
I suggest you eat smaller meals stay away from spicey stuff stay away from citrus food acid food like tomatos eat bland foods do not add salt or any spices to your foods i feel that bland foods help me better than all that acid foods
DO not eat heavy before bed drink water if your stomach acts up drink ginger ale that will help calm your stomach down and do not lie flat on a pillow sit up a little in bed thats all i have to say.