Perimenopause & progesterone
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i have just completed my tests for diagnoses on irregular periods, uterine biopsy all clear, ultrsound & hydroscopic camera these showed a very slight thickening. The question is where do i go from here? Do i take progesterone as offered by the gynae consultant ( i will not have a mirena coil fitted thats for sure) what are the options for taking progesterone i.e tablet, can i take a birth control pill i am 49 years old non smoker but have had cancer in my family, what are the side effects?
i should have asked the consultant i know but i was so adamant i wasn't going down the replacement route, but i am fed uo with have estrogen dominance which is caused severe panic disorder \ anxiety, headaches irregular periods etc etc etc
anyone else facing this or anyone want to help me find out somi can make my decision. ( i take all recommendex natural supplements but my main worry is my uterine lining getting to thick which can cause uterine cancer
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emily06016 Woo3353
Sorry to hear your problems. I'm 51, last year I had referral to gynaecologist, which resulted in having hysteroscopy biopsies & polyp removed., diagnosis - endometrial hyperplasia - simple- without atypia. No sign of cancer currently!If not treated had 1-2% chance of going cancerous. I had choice of progesterone tablets, mirena or hysterectomy. I took her advice & chose mirena. I've lots of emotional highs & horrendous amounts of anxiety but this maybe clashing with peri- or menopause state too!! Oh the joys 😫
Anyway I'm not allowed hrt as this can stimulate growth. I saw my gynaecologist who has discharged me until I need it removing & only return if I have a significant bleed, but each day I'm anxious.
What I have found is this is VERY COMMON and is potentially all part of this stage in our lives.
Mirena might work for you?!
Hope you find some reassurance
Hang in there
gailannie Woo3353
My thoughts are I wouldn't recommend a BCP. I tried them in perimenopause and it was simply awful. Plus it will disrupt what ever hormones you are naturally producing at this time in your life, albeit out of whack they may be. The other side to the coin, is that there are woman who do well with them until menopause age.
Progesterone can be taken in several forms. Pills (prometrium, small pink round pills), compounded pill form (dose can be tailored to your needs), vaginal suppositories (compounded and tailored to your needs, usually in oil base), Standard RX (crinone, a pre measured cream in a vaginal applicator, often used in pregnancy for woman who are not producing enough progesterone.) or a compounded cream that can be rubbed into the skin.
I have tried several of these forms, and the vaginal types always worked the best for me. Typically all of these are used right before bed, as it can make you sleepy.
A thickened lining, blood clots with periods, short cycles, can all indicate a lack of progesterone. This is very common as we get closer to menopause, as the follicles sometimes don't mature and produce the progesterone that they normally would. I get not wanting to go down the replacement route, but doing one 12-14 cycle of progesterone might help. Some woman say they feel much better, as it provides balance to help offset the etrogen they are still producing.
Hope this helps. Just know that any decision you make is not permanent.
becky221 Woo3353
I'm surprised they did all that testing for irregular periods in perimenopause as that is a very common issue. You are very normal. You're producing estrogen that causes the uterine lining to thicken. That's what's been happening all your reproductive years. Then your body produces progesterone and that hormone causes that lining to shed and that's a period. It's common in peri to produce less progesterone, so the lining doesn't shed. Take progesterone and you'll have a period. It's about 10 days worth and that's it. When I was in peri, if I missed 3 periods in a row, I called the doctors office and they called in the progesterone. Took it for 10 days and had a period. When that finally stopped working, they did hormone testing and determined I was officially in menopause. I have no idea what the coil is. I'm in the US and I don't think we use those here. So I say take the progesterone. Easy fix.
Thanks everyone for your advice.
I am veering towards progesterone cream as it seems most non invasive.
In the UK or where I live any prolonged abnormal bleeding is investigated in the NHS within 2 weeks when referred by doctor (in my case I had 7 periods in 3 months) I also has anxiety and panic disorder brought on by imbalance hormones.
Hopefully i'll make right decision but end of a women's reproductive years can certainly be annoying!!!!!
becky221 Woo3353
Oh, I didn't realize you had been bleeding so much. I guess when you said they were irregular I thought that meant you skipped them. I don't know about progesterone then. That makes you bleed. And you're already doing that. So I don't know. But yes, that would be checked out in the US as well.
Sochima822 Woo3353
deirdre01438 Sochima822
Hi Sochima, I'm just wondering what birth control did you take? I'm in peri and need to decide on birth control or anti anxiety meds. I'd like an idea of which types have worked for others so I can research them. If possible. Thanks
kim38338 Woo3353
Hi, im 55 and menapausal. I have had a smear which was clear ( oh that rhymes lol) a virginal scan and an ordinary scan. The doc tor took a biopsy and im waiting to hear the results 😱. My question is i have a thick womb lining so what could they do for me? Not hrt i hope! As ive gone thru the horrible menapause will i be given cream etc, what do u ladies think? Im so scared
Woo3353 kim38338
I am exactly the same as you but i am still getting periods although very irregular,I have a slight thickening of uterine wall, all my tests came back clear for anything nasty but basically it means I am estrogen dominant, it's not that I am making too much estrogen but my ovaries aren"t releasing enough progesterone, the stuff we need to shed the uterine wall. I can"t decide how to take progesterone, tablet or cream. At the moment I am trying serenity bio identicals so i'll see how I get on. Unlike me once you get the results then ask your consultant all the relevant questions write them down, I forgot to ask and now I am having to going back to my doctor
kim38338 Woo3353
Thanks woo, i worry about everything so will definitely write all questions down.just had a call from the hospital to say they have space to do the hysteroscopy next Thursday now im worried they found something and rushed me in!! Oh how i hate all this 😟
gailannie kim38338
Ladies, dorry to pop in here, but just want to mention that sometimes the vaginal progesterone works best. I had a horrible time with both creams and pills. But the vaginal suppositories, and also Crinone, didn't make me feel bad at all. You might just consider it.
pudds66 Woo3353
I was having heavy irregular bleeding with clots. I had all the test, smear, blood test, hysteroscopy , biopsies, they all came back clear apart from having a polyp which needs removing. that was cheduled for July but due to my blood pressure being too high they wouldnt do it . so im still waiting.
I have been on prostegen tablets since , no breaks on advice from consultant. Upto now I havent had any bad side effects, they have helped with my IBS, Ive had more energy, no sore boobs and hardly any mood swings. On telling the consutant he did say that they can also be used for bad PMT. I am still a little anxious, wondering if they will stop working and still worry that I will have a bleed but I am getting there. He suggested the coil for me but I was adamant I wasnt having it.
gailannie pudds66
pudds66, I'm no doctor, but it sure seems that if you are still having cycles, with clotting, and you are doing well on the progesterone, stay with it. It is very common as a woman is nearing menopause, that she is still producing estrogen, but almost no progesterone in the second half of the cycle.
It is often suggested that when your period starts, stop the progesterone for two weeks, than do a 12- 14 day course of the progesterone. That mimics a normal cycle, counter balances the estrogen, and hopefully gets things back to normal.
pudds66 gailannie
Woo3353 pudds66
Your symptoms are exactly same as mine but I don't have polyp. Thanks for your comnents It's reassuring to know that you have no side effects from progesterone tablets as that's the way I am thinking of going, I won'the even consider the mirena coil.
I was hoping by taking progesterone my anxiety would calm down so I could stop taking prozac but 'small steps' as they say