Perimenopause rant, horrible symptoms on the loose
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Hello everyone. I have been following discussions on this forum for more than a year now and it has been extremely helpful when the going gets so tough that you don t wanna go anymore but you know that you can t just stop either.
My story: 46 years old with horrible physical, emotional, mental symptoms. It all started escalating a year ago when I went through a bad break up and moved to a huge, bustling, hot, sticky South East Asian metropolis for work. The heat and humidity are extreme year around. It's very hard to make friends, everyone around me is sorted with parteners and family, distances are very long, it takes hours to get from A to B, plus it s noisy, fast paced and very vain. All that conbined with my roller coaster hormones have kept me in a constant state of discomfort and that's on my good days. I have had severe anxiety and depression, hot flashes magnified by the heat, palpitations, insomnia and most importantly noone to talk to. On top of all I have developed extreme health anxiety due to not having anyone to share my thoughts with and constant ruminating, searching my body for strange lumps, bumps and sensations, which as we all know there are plenty in peri and the heat doesn't help either. I ve had tests and I m perfectly fine and also very fit (used to be a dancer, practicing yoga every day). I ve been taking theanine and rodhiola for my mood, which kind of, sort of helps, b complex and co q10 to protect my heart from all the (involuntary) workout that anxiety gives it. A couple of weeks before my period things get so bad that I don t know if I can take it anymore but I know that the only way is to take it because what? This Sunday morning I woke up in panic after a very bad night's sleep because they are having a party at the temple accross the street and they started blasting silly pop hits from the speakers at 6 in the morning. It brought me to the edge! On an impulse I ordered natural progesterone cream to try but I m really scared of it because of all the controversy surrounding them .
That's it basically. I just wanted to add my story to the hundreds of similar stories that all of you have posted here and maybe get some feedback from you. Thanks for reading. Hasta la libertad!
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Guest synaesthAsia
I hear ya. I'm sorry you are going through all this. Bad breakup, moving, perimeno, all causes of high stress that can kick up other stuff in your body that's been dormant. You need to take really good care of yourself. Try eating fresh organic fruits and veggies if you can find them, cut out bad stuff like sugar, gluten, caffeine, alcohol. I think progesterone is a good thing, it is calming, will help the anxiety a bit, and also help you sleep. I take 200mg of oral progesterone at night which really helps.
You can always chat with us, we are here, and we know what it's like! XOXO
juanita93228 synaesthAsia
Come on here to vent anytime. The health anxiety is the worst! I'm so gald I found this forum! I lets me know I'm not alone and I'm not crazy!
Thank you very much juanita and susanne for your supportive messages. I know. health anxiety is no laughing matter. The most difficult part of it all is the unpredictability of our situation. Fine one moment, the next feelining like I m losing it and vice versa. And by reading all your empowering stories I realise how menopause is at the same time "universal" and extremely idiosyncratic. It makes everything harder knowing that there is no one size fits all approach. It s a continious trial and error process, which i find exshausting and energy consuming. I have been considering HRT but I ve heard so many conflicting stories. Some women have been helped tremendously and others seem to have weird side effects or feel worse. Not sure if I can go down that road just yet, especially with my health anxiety issues. At the moment I will continue with supplements, vitamins amino acids and less invasive, so to speak, remedies and see how it goes. On a bright note, I live in Bangkok where health care is excellent and affordable plus I live in an area surrounded by all sorts of western, eastern, hollistic, ayuverdic, you name it hospitals, which is quite reassuring. I haven t been to any doctors for my symptoms yet. I want to decide on one approach and follow it till the end. There s so much information around and every doctor has a different opinion. Anyway, thanks again for your feedback. This too will pass (hopefully)
juanita93228 synaesthAsia
It will pass! Everyone is different. I didn't start having symptoms until 2014 and I had my last period in 2010, so I am blessed in that respect. Now every ache, pain, or anything that happens with my body, I go to the worse case scenario. I pray, and meditate. I cannot take HRT because I have fibroids.
It sounds like you're in the best place possible for healthcare. It's definitely trial and error!