Perimenopause - Recommended Vitamins
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Hi All
Heavy bleeding appeared almost overnight - doc prescribed provera and tranexamic which stopped bleeding - but made me feel awful - so I've stopped taking them (for the time beig at least!) I'm now taking Vit B complex and considering more vitamins. Any comments on recommendations appreciated.
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jayneejay gillian_96092
some iron would help with heavy bleeding
bless you hun
jay x
gillian_96092 jayneejay
Thanks so much for your reply, your info earlier in week really helped! I'm taking iron+vit c but not sure if dose is high enough. I really want to try to manage the symptoms naturally first of all if I can? It's worth a try anyway.
Cheers for now
jayneejay gillian_96092
About four years leading into menopause, generally when you are in your 40s, you undergo a transitional period called perimenopause. Sporadic heavy bleeding, night sweats, hot flashes, chills and vaginal dryness are all symptoms that your body is preparing for menopause. There are several treatment options available today to manage these symptoms.
Though difficult, this is a natural process every woman has to go through. Menopause is confirmed by 12 months of absent menstrual bleeding.
Is sporadic and heavy bleeding normal leading to menopause?
Some women abruptly stop bleeding and enter menopause immediately, while some experience sporadic and heavy bleeding for months on end. It is possible to have regular periods for a few cycles, then just spotting for a few months and heavy bleeding the next cycle. You may bleed for just a day in one cycle, but in the next cycle bleeding continues for over two weeks.
Anything goes, and there is no rhyme or reason for the bleeding pattern leading to menopause.
What causes sporadic and heavy bleeding during perimenopause?
In the years leading to menopause, estrogen and progesterone levels in your body are all over the place. Ovulation becomes sporadic due to lowering estrogen levels. As a result of non-ovulation, progesterone is not released. This disturbs the delicate hormonal balance that keeps your cycle regular, leading to sporadic and sometimes heavy bleeding.
What are the other possible causes of sporadic and heavy bleeding during menopause?
Sporadic and heavy bleeding is also caused in cases of the benign growth of fibroids or polyps in the uterus. Uterine cancer is also one of the other reasons for this condition. Ask for a thyroid function test, as symptoms of perimenopause, such as menstrual irregularities, sluggishness, depression and weight gain, are very similar to symptoms of hypothyroidism. Endometrial hyperplasia, infection and other chronic medical conditions are also responsible for heavy bleeding during menopause.
How do you treat sporadic and heavy bleeding during menopause?
Once your doctor determines that your bleeding irregularities are related to perimenopause, there are a number of options to manage your condition. Low-dose birth control pills are the recommended treatment. It not only regulates your cycle, it is also effective in controlling other symptoms such as hot flashes and night sweat. If birth control pills are working well for you, continue taking them until menopause. For sporadic bleeding, treatment with progestogen or progesterone is an option. If none of the non-invasive techniques work and you continue to bleed heavily, a dilation and curettage procedure is performed. Dilation and curettage is not a permanent cure, and heavy bleeding has the potential to return during your next cycle.
Many women find over-the-counter products like estrogen cream, phytoestrogenic herbs like soy and non-estrogenic herbs like black cohosh as effective in dealing with menopause as traditional medical treatment.
Sporadic and heavy bleeding sometimes results in iron-deficient anemia. It is therefore important to take iron-supplements when you are experiencing this condition.
Note... I have read that Post Menopause Iron supplements are not required as iron increases after menopause in the body and supplements may cause overload of iron.
jayneejay gillian_96092
in my peri i had heavy, light, spotting for ages .. 21 months ..
i let my body just do its thing too after the awful depo provera..
it did sort itself out naturally then i went to 3 day only periods most months and skipping a few ..
i found in my peri when all settled, i then had three day periods, first day normal, second day flood, and third day simmered and finished.. Seem to just all come out on the second day, 😏
then year by year they just reduced until last year 2013 i had just two periods and now none .. Post menopause
good luck hun
jay xx
gillmm gillian_96092
I take menopace or the equivalent supermarket product, contains all the vitamins and minerals you need for menopause. The 'night' version is even better for me as it helps me sleep and relax.
Not sure whether it helps with heavy bleeding, may need extra iron and vit C for that, if it continues.
jayneejay gillian_96092
theres many natural supplements..
i take Menapol Plus .... Simply supplements site or amazon uk
120 tabs for approx £11.89 approx
or younget buy bigger packs
I take 2xdaily
What is Menapol Plus
As women age, natural changes within the body can cause imbalances.
This invigorating herbal complex contains a unique and comprehensive blend of key ingredients that may help to ease women through this uncomfortable transitional period.
Designed to help nourish and revive a tired body, our Menapol Plus has been specifically formulated from only the highest quality ingredients to ensure gentle yet fast and effective absorption by the body.
Taken as a daily supplement it helps the body’s systems regain a natural equilibrium and maintain a balanced state of mind and mood.
A ground breaking formula
We invite you to try this expert formulation for women’s health. Each Menapol Plus EasyGest capsule provides:
Red Clover 500mg – our red clover extract is a rich source of plant oestrogens that are thought to mimic the female hormone oestrogen when in the body.
Liquorice Extract 500mg – extracts taken from the root of the liquorice plant have been used for thousands of years in Western and Eastern cultures, particularly in traditional Chinese medicine.
Dandelion Root 500mg – although many people consider this to be a common garden herb, dandelion root is rich in beneficial nutrients, including vitamins A, B, D, iron and magnesium.
Acai Berry 250mg – these much-loved super-berries are considered to be one of the most nutritionally complete foods in the world and boast an ever-increasing list of benefits.
Soya Isoflavones 20mg – naturally contains the phytoestrogens daidzein and genistein; substances that are thought to act in a similar way to the female hormone oestrogen in the body.
Chamomile Extract 80mg – the active ingredients taken from the chamomile flower include essential oils and flavonoids, which as widely believed to offer calming effects
CranRich 35mg – this highly concentrated cranberry extract provides 1250mg of fresh cranberries. CranRich is made using 100% whole fruit, including the skin, seeds, fibre and juice.
Siberian Ginseng 125mg – this popular herb is often referred to as an adaptogen, which may help to strengthen the body’s resistance to mental and physical stress, and boost energy.
Jay xx
phoebewhite gillian_96092