Perimenopause & slow GI gastric motility?

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HI ladies.

Since being diagnosed with small intestinal bacterial ovrgrowth (sibo) ive been spending some time in the sibo forum on another site. Seeing some devastating stories of multiple remissions etc I want to get to the root cause and its out there that "slow motility" is one of them, illoceal valve another.

My question is BECAUSE i still have these shortened cycles, which came long before the sibo, along with the stress and refulx etc CAN i link PERI to slow motility?? Another lovely poster on here said theres a definite link..

Can you guys confirm. In order to correct my current slow motility do i need to fix my hormones and that will fix the GI problem...???

I want to get rid of this monster! And funnily (but totally not really) 80% of people presenting with IBS issues are said to suffer from undiagnosed sibo. Its something that Drs werent aware of and its only coming to light now they say. 

And honestly this forum is  the most ACTIVE forum ive ever been involved with, there are sooooo many people on there even kids being diagnosed , its shocking. 

Sorry i veered off topic, been awake half the night eek

Anyway i appreciate your input, thank you x

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12 Replies

  • Posted

    Hi ellacraig,

    Have you tried a good quality probiotic for this?

    • Posted

      Hi Zig.

      It was taking an abundance of probitotics that likely fed this and made it work. People kept saying i had candida and treated me accordingly which is the wrong course of action with SIbo sad

      I AM allowed however and been encourgaged to make my own youghurt with kefir grains which i plan to start today. smile

    • Posted

      Oh yes I think you can overdo them, my husband took them after a course of antibiotics and just kept taking them. Ended up with a lot of stomach pain which stopped when he stopped taking them.

      Have you looked at sauerkraut? That is supposed to be a very good natural way, like kefir and kombucha to get the right mix as probiotics are usually made containing a bias of one or the other good bacteria.

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      I'm not allowed sauerkraut just yet, wrong type of yeast or something but once this is cleared I plan to ONLY use natural probiotics such as this plus kefir etc
  • Posted

    I can definitely say I've had slow motility since being peri/meno. But, I was never regular Rita to begin with. I also have digestive issues, so this might not ne helping either. I feel bloated all the time, and pain under my ribs daily. Is this part of SIBO?
    • Posted

      while i can say "yes" its a likely sympton as the bad bacteria migrates up to your small intestines it does make sence. with that said who am i to diagnose ya no, this is all new to me too. i would suggest "if" you are suffering unncessarily by all means if you have a GI or you can access the test yourself (ie over here they can send the testing equipment out to you) , for your piece of mind it wouldnt hurt to rule it out. 

      I decided it was my last resort to get the breath test for sibo done, THEN a comprehensive stool anaylsis BEFORE i gave in and went back to the GI for a camera scope sad glad i did too..

    • Posted

      I am having am endoscopy and colonoscopy May 10th, but was just wondering about SIBO. Wondered if you had those symptoms. I hope you get answers, and hope we all find relief. 
  • Posted

    Debbie some other give aways for sibo are

    If probiotics make you feel worse..

    If you belch alot

    Also bearing in mind oregano oil is quite strong, but if you aren comfy and not taking any meds that might interfere try taking one oregano oil pill in the morning and just "see" if you feel some improvement with the bloating. That kinda was a give away for me too, the oregano actually gave me a few hours of calmer gut.

  • Posted

    I have been diagnosed with ibs for 30 years. It comes and goes. In the last 3 years, it's been terrible bloating and gas. Doctor said it might be the overgrowth of bacteria and I am trying xifaxan. It has been wonderful so far! No symptoms at all any more. Of course, they may come back when I go off of it. We shall see. Our symptoms are different, but those of you with my same problems might check it out. I know you'd like natural remedies, but after 30 years and trying it all, if I'm feeling good, I'll take it!
    • Posted

      That's great Becky. Hey if this fails IL give it a go cause it's no life belching bloating and pain every rime you eat! Thanks for sharingsmile
    • Posted

      Or worse!! Ha!! I also have a friend who kept bloating during the day. She'd be fine when she got up but looked pregnant by night. Her doctor had her cut way down on carbs. He said basically follow the south beach diet. The carbs are really low and that's so hard to do. But it totally fixed her problem and she lost a lot of weight. She's 58 and is a size 6 now.

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