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I am 52 and started Perimenopause a year ago! I am taking Black Cohosh for Hot Flashes (mine aren't bad) and Anxiety (I've never had before in my life and it's bad now), Ginko Biloba for short term memory glitches and Maca sometimes. I am have nausea all the time! I'm hungry and after I eat,'s getting really irritating. I know we have to just get through this time of our life, but it makes me angry that I feel yucky ALL THE TIME!!! I've never been like this. I've always been energetic, happy, healthy, all good things, even if something bad happens, I'd face it and move on. I want to be my normal self again! Now, I analyze, get anxiety, then I slap myself into reality!!! UGH! Would B12 or B6 help with my nausea?
The nausea wasn't bad at first, it would be bad after a Hot Flash, but since my flashes aren't that bad, I've been good. Lately, it's been worse and I've tried Coconut Oil, Oregano Oil..but now I'm on TUMS!
Thank you all for this forum...I empathize will ALL OF YOU!!!
I'm sending you all
Good Vibes...Good Vibes...Good Vibes...
Tired of feeling yucky all the time!!!
1 like, 18 replies
Fairywren thesondee
Hi thesondee
do you still get your periods?I'm waiting for mine,I have cysts ,I know my hormones are out of whack.
Your symptoms sound tough
In a way it sounds like you've had a pretty good run ,getting into perri only recently.That gives me hope cause I've only recently married again and wish menopause could hold off for a bit.
I had anxiety last year that was snowballing ,it really was praying that calmed me down and stopped that crazy ride.Maybe you could get into the routine of prayer/meditation ,that time out to recollect ?
I'd be interested why you have the nausea and how you can treat it.
Take care.
thesondee Fairywren
Thank you for your response. It's nice to know that others are going through the symptoms too! Hope you get relief soon. Yes I do get periods for 3 months on 3 months off.
Have a great day!
Scotland005 thesondee
Hi there
Sorry to hear you are going through such a horrible time ..I'm 51 and have been going through this stage in my life for a while now and the only thing I can say is exercise that's what has helped get me through..I'm a personal trainer and can't state the importance of regular exercise to slow down and even reverse the aging process.. Some things we can't change its the laws of nature..
And I know it's tough I have to kick my own butt most mornings but I know once I have been in that gym I come out feeling great, physically stronger and the anxiety I had has disappeared.. and hot flushes and body aches and pains are reduced.. I never suffered from nausea but I did develop acid reflux which I never had before and found cutting out coffee and sugar in my diet helped.. Also introduced more soya and less meat more fish ..
I hope this helps you and things improve for you's just a case of you trying different things and finding what helps for you..
Good luck
thesondee Scotland005
Thank you! Yes I really try to excercise. As you said, it's really hard to get up and go!!! Yes, Acid Refulx is a new fun thing!
Have a great day!
maddysmom2015 thesondee
thesondee maddysmom2015
No I've been taking it for a year and the nausea didn't start until a few days ago.
wendy36287 thesondee
natallia04776 wendy36287
Hi Wendy, I'm glad to see your number 😉 I was very upset and didn't believe that it could happen at our age. I have started just under 2 years.
wendy36287 natallia04776
Guest thesondee
I must agree.. nausea is the WORST!!! 😢😰
Wake up nauseous, Go to bed nauseous, Eat, dont eat still get nauseous! Its horrible.. Peri for a year still regular periods, no hot flashes. Raw ginger and Chamomile tea calms it down, but it still comes and stops me in my tracks. Its true exercise does help, but it takes strong determination to fight through and force your body to exercise when you're already feeling yucky!.. Im doing things the natural way and eating better and body aches head aches fatigue foggy brain are gone, but nausea seems to be my unwelcomed friend.😠😡
thesondee Guest
Thank you!!! We'll get through this.. at least my mom tells me I will...
metamorphed thesondee
thesondee metamorphed
Yes..she's great aunt had it so bad that she went on hormones. HA HA she told her Dr., she could KILL without remorse!!! HA HA! So, I'm considering myself lucky I don't have it that bad.
metamorphed thesondee
that's good to know that there is light at the end of the mad tunnel! you certainly don't feel that there is when you're in it. thanks for that, made my day!!
natallia04776 thesondee
Hi Thesondee,
First, I'm sorry to hear it. It is hard very hard. I'm 43 and the same as you always have been energetic didn't know the word "tired " now is terrible.
Our lovely ladies are saying that Vitamin D- our immune system so definitely start take it and the supplements from the African plant HTR (hope didn't make a mistake ).
I love the forum because always 1 who is there to listen to you.
I'm writing down my symptoms and good advices ? so when my time will come I know what to do.
Have a good day and keep yourself busy it helps me.
Hugs and blessings
thesondee natallia04776
natallia04776 thesondee
natallia04776 thesondee