Perimenopause suggestions needed

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I am 49, in perimenopause and miserable.  Since my symptoms began I have started a multivitamin, a B stress complex, and additional 100 of B6, a probiotic, fish oil, D3 with calcium chew and vitamin C.  I also frequently use peppermint and lavender oils.  (I ran out of the B vitamins for 5 days and got the shakes with anxiety attacks a half dozen times per day!)  My periods are all over the place and my symptoms are much worse during them.   I want to enjoy my family once again and am determined to fight this and find what works for my body.  I’m shocked and saddened at how many doctors do not take this seriously.  I have had medical work ups (blood work, tests and ultrasounds) in the past 6 months that have all been normal and told to stick it out.  Mornings (as well as during my periods) are bad but then as the day progresses (after I take the vitamin B and eat a high protein breakfast)  it gets better.  I am looking for suggestions on what to do/take before bed that may help ease my morning anxiety without perscription drugs.  I'm taking the max of vitamin B and I don't want to waste the affects of the vitamin B I feel during the day by taking it at night when I'm going to sleep. (what sleep I get)  Does anyone have any advice? I'm thinking about a progesterone creme but read a few bad reviews on them.    

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9 Replies

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    Hi Snoopy!

    Progesterone cream does help some women if it's needed. Sometimes the estrogen spikes a bit in ratio to progesterone and some find it helpful. I ended up taking Prometrium for about 6 months to level off my system (doctor directed) and it took care of a lot of my more troubling issues. 

    You are right, very hard to find good doctor to guide us, isn't it. This is basically hit or miss with what works for us though. I have found what may work for me may not be exactly what another person may need. Therein lies an issue for the doctors I am guessing.


    One thing you may want to try is a magnesium drink or tablets before bedtime. Many women, including myself have found that one to be very helpful. It does help relax me and get some sound sleep. Heaven forbid if I forget to take it as it's noticable now. I have also noticed my muscles also don't feel so tense as they used to.

    Hope this helps you through your journey.


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      Thanks so much! I'll definitely try the magnesium. Do you recommend any particular dosage?

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      Really just follow the recommended dosage. If you look online there are specific magnesium drinks for this and they have the amount to use to get desired effects. It takes a bit to start working, week or two but so worth it. I use the drinks as I feel like I asorb the nutrients better that way now then taking too many tablets. Good luck Snoopy, I sure hope this helps you feel better!
    • Posted

      Thanks for the advice.  I researched magnesium and I have every symptom of a magnesium deficiency.  I don't know how I missed that!  I'm so glad you suggested it.  I started the effervescent drink last night and will see what happens.  Fingers crossed! 
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      Yes, unfortunately many of our diets lead to subclinical deficiencies, so taking the vitamin b complex and other supplements like magnesium may really help you more than you anticipate. It's not an overnight cure as it took time to get depleted but I do hope you will see an improvement rather quickly. 

      Take good care Snoopy!

  • Posted

    HI snoopy, Gosh you are taking a lot of stuff. A lot of the vitamins you can get from a good diet. Adding suppliments I am not sure it the way to go. Excessive vitamin C does nothing for you other than what the daily allowance does. Fish oil! just eat oily fish.Are you sure your high protein breakfast is not making the difference alone? 

    I am 8 years into this and all I have ever taken is some calms at night to try and get some sleep or better sleep. My periods stopped at 53 and I stayed on a combination contraceptive pill until I was 51. Then when I came off I had a few heavy periods and that was it. It's the night sweats I strugge with and forgetfullness. Also the sugar cravings and the increase in the waist. I am trying to exercise and go walking as much as possible as this is suppose to lift mood swings that come with the menopause. Try taking Kalms at night. I do not take the night time ones just the general ones for times of stress and anxiety, even if you try them for 6mths. A good diet with oily fish, bananas are also very good. I don't think your body kneeds all you are giving it in artifical forms. You sound like you rattling with so many suppliments.  I assume you are  not in the UK. Over here they think HRT is the soloution to it all but the risk of cancer associated with it will never be an option for me. 

    Not sure progesterone cream is the answer either. 

    This is mother nature we are dealing with and I have concluded women are made of strong stuff to get through this. Just wished I knew when it was going to end I am 58 now. 

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    I'm sorry you are going through such an awful time with your menopause. 

    I have been going through a rough patch with my menopause too. 

    I did try Vitamin b last December it threw me into a really bad panic attack 

    Vitamin B can cause anxieties in some people but you have to ask your doctor if you are taking it the right way and maybe you are overdoing it a little with the vitamin B 

    I have also been on Anitidepressants and they do not help they make me sick to my stomach, they raise my blood pressure and heart rate. I had to stop the Paxil and Trazodone for it threw my heart rate off and gave me palpitations so do not go down that route unless it is really severe. 

    I have been thinking about Progesterone pills myself but i do not know if my OBGYN gave me the right ones for menopause because i have read its to help have a period its called provera 2.5mg its the synthetc one and when i was on that with estradiol i started bleeding back in July so i stopped it thinking about the just going back on the provera but my OBGYN says with menopause you need estrogen too. 

    I would discuss to your doctor because you may be overdoing it with the Vitamin B 

    Hope to hear back from and good luck. 

    Also my sister says that Ginger tea can help calm a person down try some ginger tea

    Good luck and try to relax

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    I know it's the pits hun and nobody seems to understand do they???

    I've been so lucky, I've never been ill in my life, hiked, active and my job has been physical but this menopause has hit me like A TRUCK HEAD ON !!!!

    Don't give up 

    please !!!!

    I've not given up yet...................................

    and I won't because I'm single and I have to work, if I can't provide for myself no one else will.............................................

    take vitamins and try SERTRALINE, it's an antidepressant

    but remember to appreciate what you have, the menopause is definately a time to take stock and consider ......................wink  


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    Thanks so much for all your thoughts and suggestions! I went over all of the ingredients in all of my vitamins and I am adjusting and cutting some out and adding magnesium as I have all the symptoms of a magnesium deficiency.   I am going to hold off on the progesterone creme for a couple of weeks to see how this adjustment makes me feel first.  So glad I found this site! Thanks again! 

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