Perimenopause symptoms?????
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Help!!!! Im 43 and had a onset of loads of symptoms, started with severe dizziness then pains in my left shoulder, chest and breast. I also have occasional tingling in my hands and feet. I ache in most of my joints. My cycle is 3-4weeks but heavy one month and then light the month after. I feel rubbish all of the time, and my anxiety is through the roof thinking it's something really serious. Just need to know if anyone has had similar symptoms.
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Lrowley77 sandra0612
Yes, I’ve had all of those and more. If you’re worried about specific symptoms it’s always best to get checked out.
sue28162 sandra0612
I have pain in my chest coughing all
The time
Can’t take weight off to save my life
DiZzy every day even my feet hurt
But the worst is my anxiety throw the roof
susane84679 sandra0612
sandra0612 susane84679
Thank for the reply it is reassuring to know thst my symptoms are normal, i have others too, didn't expect it too be as bad as it is tho
Nancy2121 sandra0612
That's EXACTLY how my "journey" began. Ugh! Almost a year with no period and have to say things are a bit better now that I know what's going on with my menopause body. It's the WORST thing EVER! CBD oil has been a huge help for the aches and pains. I'd have to say I have or have had almost all of the symptoms of peri menopause/menopause. Don't know of we'll ever feel like our old selves again, just taking it day by day. You're not alone, and that has been a huge help too. This forum has been a tremendous help. Hope you feel better hearing the stories here.
sandra0612 Nancy2121
kelle34850 sandra0612
I am about to be 42 and have had everything you mentioned and more! It started a year ago and it got my anxiety through the roof. Honestly the things that seemed to help was this forum, time, not googling anything at all, DHA fish oil (I take 3 pills a day). I just took one day at a time and I enjoy the good days and now realize that during the bad days that the good days will return. I still get very weird symptoms but they all come and go so I just DON'T let myself Google or think about it. Good luck! I never had a clue this all could be related to hormones 🤷???
sandra0612 kelle34850
just found this forum and its great to read comments.
priscilla_66642 sandra0612
Hang in there! I myself am experiencing the same exact symptoms, the anxiety is through the roof, and the palpitations make it worse. (they drive me insane) this is all a vicious cycle that unfortunately us women have to go through. This forum is heaven sent, I love it! and feel comfort in knowing I'm not alone. reading all the comments also make me feel much better.
fiona27807 sandra0612
Guest sandra0612
All of your symptoms I had too, plus worse, and all coincided with my cycles starting to change. That’s definitely a tell tale sign. I’m sure, like most of us, you will probably get all kinds of testing, and like us, all will be normal. And I know it’s so hard to believe that hormones can wreak total havoc but indeed they can. So much so that you will believe you are dying from some horrible illness.
Best I can say is get some blood work done, if all is normal, then you will know. Don’t do what I did and go to 20 specialists trying to figure out what’s wrong and log in to a million hours of google. Just made me a total wreck. I still have symptoms two years later but not as severe and the anxiety is gone thank goodness.