Perimenopause symptoms is driving me crazy, I will share my symptoms and what I'm going thru.
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It started beginning of the year, heavy bleeding with clots, lasting 1 week. Now my period is just 2 days, very light. I'm 48 yrs old. I feel bloated, gas, stomach upset, headache now and again, sometimes it wakes me up at night. Chest congestion, bone pain, breast pain and heaviness. Weight gain, blurry vision, dry mouth, difficulty swallowing, dry eyes, body aches and pains, chills, fever and flu like feeling.
This is to name a few things Im Experiencing for the last couple of months, I feel very depressed as well, feel like crying, moody. Sometimes I think there is something More serious with me as most days I feel ill. I've seen my doctor loads of times, gave me tablets for gastric as I'm bloated and have lots of gas. My body basically goes up and down, sometime I'm hungry and other times I feel nausea. Some days I have loads of energy and some days I feel sooooo weak. Sometimes I think I'm going mad as my symptoms come and goes. My doctor says there is nothing wrong with me, he says it's allergy???? I don't know what to do? Thank God I've seen this forums and have read abit about what ladies here are going thru. Anyone experiencing what I'm going thru?
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misty36246 Kadija1966
Kadija1966 misty36246
froggy28 Kadija1966
Kadija1966 froggy28
froggy28 Kadija1966
cazjaz16 Kadija1966
Kadija1966 cazjaz16
monique_93857 Kadija1966
susan21149 Kadija1966
vibegirl Kadija1966
As I lean towards all things natural as much as possible - supplementing your diet with vitamins/herbs can be such a blessing to lesson symptoms and build the body during this time. Also stress relief practices should be PRESCRIBED in my opinion as far as I'm concerned as our physical and emotional stress can wreak havoc on our hormones and then the hormone ups and downs affect us physically/emotionally! Fun, right?
Yoga and meditation can become a lifesaver - too often dismissed (I was like that at first) but now I know better. Nature is definitely a soother and again can be a lifesaver. I use all of the above regularly and it has made a huge difference.
Keep looking for answers - they are certainly out there!
susan21149 Kadija1966
BellaRubia Kadija1966
Time will make it better, but do not expect your doctors will acknowledge that all that is coming from lack or unbalance of hormones - some times they can not even track hormones with precision, what makes diagnosing it tricky, so point for them.
I missed ONLY 1 period and the doors of hell opened for me - I started feeling like crap, all symptoms together. What bothered more was the joint pain. Vision goes blury one day and comes better the next. Same as the joint pain, is not it? Have you had any "anxiety attack" yet? Doctors like to call it "anxiety attack" but I strongly desagree for I had no reason to be anxious at all - heart pumping anything from 32 to 100bpm, difficulty to breath, brain fog, etc. I thought I was having a heart attack - I hope you do not have it!
All in all, I felt so bad I thought I had something really fatal.
Just to give you a little insight, it will get MUCH better. The worst symptoms will take like 4 months, time that your body will adpt to the lower levels.
It has been 2 years for me now, and I still have my (irregular) period, but I feel much better. Some months, I do not feel a thing
. Others, I have one thing or another, but not all at the same time.
I hope it has helped and keep in touch!
deirdre01438 BellaRubia
Hi BellaRubia, just wondering how you are doing now? Its been 2 yrs since this post. I've had a terrible time of late with joint pain and I still have regular periods. I had the chest pains and anxiety and low moods, desperate panic attacks etc. I'd love to know how you arw doing now. Thank you
lisalisa67 Kadija1966
josephine90713 Kadija1966
Feel like I'm going crazy sometimes,
I have had a rough year feeling ill all the time .....
Sometimes with my cycle pattern but since gyn put me on contraceptive pill my periods are so messed up I can't tell ....
Headaches, severe nausea, feel like I'm getting the flu or a bad cold but it never turns into anything, heavy aching legs and sometimes all over, heavy headed, dizzy, really tired physically and mentally, get upset a lot, anxious, hot sweats. I sometimes just have to stay in bed or sofa for a week !!!! Hate it all !!!
I have been to see gynaecologist a few times but he wants to do endometrial ablation to help the bleeding and a hysterectomy if that doesn't work but the bleeding is the least of my problems .... He doesn't seem to take any notice of my other symptoms just says hormone related!!!! 😁😁😁😁 he's no help at all
CCinCal josephine90713
How are the BC pill working out? I'm in same situation but don't know if they are helping.